Honeywell 5819 vs 5819WHS

The Honeywell 5819 and 5819WHS are both multi-functional wireless devices that integrate shock sensors and door/window contacts. These sensors are capable of 3 discrete zones that will be mapped to different loops using the same serial number. Each device designate Loop 2 to the internal reed switch that can be used with a 5899 magnet  which is NOT included. This can be used to protect a door, window or even a secured cabinet or safe. Loops 1 and 3 have similar purposes with slightly different integrated technologies. Loop 1 is designed for shock detection and Loop 3 for a wired normally closed contact. 

Loop 1 on the 5819 has a shock processor on board but requires a normally closed wired shock sensor. A shock sensor like the ASC-SS1 needs to be wired to the TB1 terminals inside the tamper cover. Many consumers are surprised to find that the shock sensor is not included which is why Honeywell came out with the 5819WHS. 

The 5819WHS has an integrated shock sensor built into the device and is allocated to loop 1. By programming loop 1 with this device you will need no other parts for shock detection. This makes the 5819WHS a better unit since all of the tech is integrated into the sensor itself. 

Lastly, loop 3 is used for a normally closed contact on both devices. This zone can be used to hard wire something like the Honeywell 945t mini surface mount contact or any other NC contact. 

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Yes, it's a wired vibration sensor so you'd just wire that into the internal screw terminals of the 5819 for the shock sensor (TB1 and loop 1).
thanks sterling. Im assuming the 11wh/br wires in to the screw terminals on the 5819 sensor?
The concern with using the ASC-SS1 is that it's nominal voltage is 3VDC to 20VDC and therefore, as the 5819 battery is 3V, a low battery on the 5819 could potentially cause a false alarm. If you understand that limitation, you could certainly use the ASC-SS1 as you intended to or you could use a shock sensor with a lower nominal voltage rating. The 5819 product description ( ) lists a few options and we offer the 11WH/BR at
OK. So Sterling, are basically these two 5819 sensors useless to me? Is there not a way to add shock sensors to them? It seems to me from comparing them to one of my 5819WHS ones that the round shock sensor is all thats missing. Can that part be bought? I hate to just trash these two sensors and the 5819 series shock sensors are not cheap by any means at $40-$50 each and I have 7 more windows I wish to place shock sensors on. Thanks!
Honeywell actually does not recommend powering an ASC-SS1 from a wireless sensor. They state "Not intended for use with 3 volt wireless transmitters due to the 3 volts being the nominal voltage for the SS1" so it would be better to replace the 5819s with 5819WHS sensors instead.
so, I have two 5819 non WHS sensors. (hole where shock sensor should be). I can buy two of these asc-ss1 shock sensors to install remotely from the 5819 on loop 1 and have a sensor that works just like the 5819WHS? I see from my other 5819 WHS sensors that the shock sensor part is wired into two of the screw terminals. Is that where this wires in as well?

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