Honeywell iGSMHS4G vs iGSMV4G
Both the Honeywell iGSMHS4G and the iGSMV4g are dual path communicators that communicate via the Internet, then switch to GSM service when the internet is not available.
The “HS” in the Honeywell iGSMHS4G stands for high security and uses the most sophisticated encryption to ensure the highest level of security. The communicator uses 256 bit-AES encryption which is required for certain government installations. The AlarmNet-i AES Encryption Software Module Version 1.0 contained in this product has NIST approval. In addition, when UL Hi Line Sec (200 sec) supervision is selected, AlarmNet's server expects to hear from this device at least once every 200 seconds. If 200 seconds go by without a signal being received from the device, the AlarmNet servers will generate a communication failure signal to the central station so that proper action can be taken. Banks, government facilities and jewelry stores are popular examples of where high security communications are required.
The IGSMHSV4G is not compatible with Total Connect 2.0.
In normal operation, the iGMSV4G communicates just like the IGSMHS4G. It connects to the customer's wired home network, and communicates to AlarmNet. The AlarmNet server receives data from the unit, and routes the information to the proper Central Station. If, for some reason, the internet connection is not available, either off line or disconnected, the communicator will transmit signals via the AlarmNet-G cellular network. These transmissions are sent to the Honeywell AlarmNet servers then forwarded to a Central Station just as they would be via the Internet. The supervision options on the iGSMV4G are slightly different. It can be supervised daily (24 hour), monthly, or not at all. This is the primary difference between the iGSMV4G and the iGSMHS4G. The other big difference, the iGSMV4G does support Total Connect 2.0.
In addition to alarm reporting, both communicators provide upload/downloading capability and support dynamic or static IP addressing, and both install behind firewalls without compromising network security.
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