How Can I Connect To A Qolsys IQ Panel 4 With An iPad?

To connect an iPad to a Qolsys IQ Panel 4 use the app. To create an account, sign up with an dealer and provide them with your panel's IMEI number. Once they register the panel, they will email you your login information. Login using the app on your iPad. App Icon:

When it comes to the Qolsys panel lineup, the best way to connect to the panel remotely is by using the app. Although the Qolsys IQ Panel 4 can be integrated with the Control 4 home automation product, this costly third-party automation platform is not for everyone. For most users, panel interaction through the app is the preferred method of control.

The app is available from both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. It is a free download. In preparation for connecting your iPad to the Qolsys IQ Panel 4, you can go ahead and download the app. Once your account has been registered by the alarm dealer, you'll receive login in credentials via email. You can then log into your account using those credentials and the app.

To Connect An iPad to the Qolsys IQ Panel 4 Follow These Steps:

  1. Sign up for an account. In this FAQ we will presume that you have an IQ Panel 4 and that it has been physically installed. Choose an alarm dealer and sign up for service with them. For Alarm Grid users, you can sign up for one of our plans here. Please note that the Qolsys IQ Panel 4 must be registered with a plan that includes cellular communication. For Alarm Grid customers that means either a Gold Plan (Self or Full) or higher, or a Cellular Alarm Monitoring Plan. The Cellular Alarm Monitoring Plan includes central station monitoring only, with no remote access through the app. So, for this FAQ, that plan is not suitable.
  2. Provide your IMEI number. In order to register your system and create your account, the alarm dealer will need your panel's IMEI number. If you're not sure how to find that information, this FAQ will walk you through it.
  3. Assist with registration. In most cases, particularly if the Qolsys IQ Panel 4 has a connection to WIFI the alarm dealer will be able to register the system remotely. However, they may need you to perform a cell test from the panel. For that reason, it is best to be on site with the panel during registration. If you can't be on site, ask a friend or family member to be there instead.
  4. Complete account creation. After the dealer has done their part to register your system with you will receive an email with your username. This is usually your email address. When you click on "Get Started" a setup wizard will ask you for some demographic information, and will then allow you to set your password.
  5. Log in on iPad. You can now use your Username and the Password you created to log into the app from your iPad. Depending on the equipment and service plan you signed up for you'll be able to view your panel's status remotely, arm and disarm, control automation devices, and view live video (compatible cameras and Platinum Plan, self or full, required).

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