How Do I Add a Key Fob to My Honeywell Lyric Alarm System?
You can add a key fob to your Honeywell Lyric Alarm System by first accessing the Keys Menu. Then access the Serial Number field, and press the top two buttons on the key fob. Do this three times, and the key fob will be enrolled with the system. You must then configure the device settings.
Each input on the key fob will use its own key fob zone on the system. The panel can support up to 32 different key fob zones. This corresponds for eight 4-button key fob devices. However, a key fob can technically be programmed with any of the panel's 128 wireless zones. Some key fobs may support multi-button presses as well. So a 4-button key fob may actually be able to perform eight functions. Each key fob input can be individually configured so that it performs a unique action from the other inputs. Additionally, each key fob can be associated with a system user so that it can later be determined who was operating the system.
Remember, any key fob that is used must be compatible with the system. Some of the most popular compatible key fobs for the Lyric include the Honeywell 5834-4 (5800 Series) and the Honeywell SiXFOB (SiX Series). Please note that the Honeywell SiXFOB is an encrypted SiX Series device, and it can only be paired with one system at a time. If you are adding a SiXFOB, you should press and hold the top two buttons on the device before trying to enroll. Alternately flashing green lights mean that the device has not been paired with a system, and it is ready to enroll. If the SiXFOB was previously enrolled with a panel, but has not transmitted 100 times, it can be defaulted, then used with the current system. A 5834-4 can be used with multiple panels, and it can be learned-in even if it is already paired with another.
Complete the following steps to add a key fob to a Honeywell Lyric Alarm System:
1. Open the Keys Menu. Start from the main screen of the system. Choose Security > Tools > Installer Code (default 4112) > Program > Keys. You are now in the Keys Menu.
2. Enroll the key fob. Press the "Add New" button at the bottom of the screen. Click the Serial Number field. On the right side of the panel, you can set the RF Type to the appropriate frequency depending on the type of key fob you are adding (5800 Series or SiX Series) though this is not required, the setting will be set appropriately once the serial number has been learned in. Then press the top two buttons on the key fob (SiXFOB) or any single button twice (5800 series). The panel should recognize the key fob and beep to confirm. The serial number will be displayed at the top of the screen. For 5800 series fobs, press the same button one more time. For the SiXFOB, press and hold the top two buttons once more. After this process is complete, you will automatically be taken back to the previous screen. The serial number has been learned in.
3. Configure the settings. Go through and configure all of the settings for the key fob. The Key Type determines how many functions are used with the device (1, 2, 4, 6 or 8). The User option associates the key fob with a specific panel User or the Master Code. The Serial Number was configured in the previous step. The Zone determines the first wireless zone that is used with the key fob. In most cases, key fobs will be assigned zones between 131 and 162. Finally, each button key determines what action the panel will take when the input is activated. Common functions include arming, disarming and triggering a panic.
In the example screen below Key Type "Key Fob" indicates a 4-button fob.
4. Save the changes. Press the Save button in the lower-right corner to save your changes. Then press the return arrow in the upper-right corner until you return to the main screen.
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