How Do I Add a Location Image to My Total Connect 2.0 Account?

You can add a location image to your Total Connect 2.0 account by accessing the locations section of Total Connect 2.0. You can do this from the Total Connect 2.0 Website or Mobile App. The uploaded image can be no larger than 10MB. The image must be in the JPG, JPEG, PNG, or GIF format.

Please note that the location image is different than the profile image. The location image can be changed from the Total Connect 2.0 Website or the Total Connect 2.0 Mobile App. Complete the following steps to add a location image to your Total Connect 2.0 account using the website:

1. Login to TC2. Open a web browser. Go to the Total Connect 2.0 Website. Login to your TC2 account. If you do not have access to TC2, ask your alarm monitoring company about an alarm monitoring plan that provides access.

2. Select add image. Choose the Locations tab on the left side of the screen. Then press the add image button. This is the button with the picture of a camera.

3. Select an image. Press the blue Select Photo button. Then select an image stored on the device. You can also drag an image to the web browser. The image you choose must be no larger than 10MB. It must be of the JPG, JPEG, PNG, or GIF format.

4. Crop the pictures. You can use the on-screen tool to adjust the image. Press the blue OK button when you have finished.

5. Save the changes. Make sure you save your changes by pressing the blue Save button in the lower-right corner.

Users also have the option of uploading a location image through the Total Connect 2.0 Mobile App. You can do this on Android and iOS devices. In this FAQ, we will be using an Android device. If you are using an iOS device, the process may be slightly different. But it should be similar overall. Complete the following steps to add a location image using the Total Connect 2.0 Mobile App.

1. Login to TC2. Access the Total Connect 2.0 Mobile app on your Android or iOS device, and login to your Total Connect 2.0 account. If have not yet downloaded the app, you can do so for free from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. If you do not have a Total Connect 2.0 account, talk to your alarm monitoring company about receiving service.

2. Select add image. Press the "hamburger" button (three bars) in the upper-left. Then choose the Settings option. Then select the Locations option. Click the camera button in the upper-left. This is the add image button.

Note: If you are using an iOS device, click on your location in the bottom-left corner to access the Locations Menu. In our example, the location is called "Office Lyric". This can be seen in the 5th image below:

3. Choose an image. Click the blue select photo button. You may be prompted to allow TC 2.0 to access device media. Select Allow. Then choose an image from your device. Remember, the image must be 10MB or smaller in size. In needs to be in a JPG, JPEG, PNG, or GIF format.

4. Crop the picture. Use the on-screen tool to crop the image. Then click the blue OK button.

5. Save the changes. Click the blue Save button in the upper-right corner. You should receive confirmation that the save was successful.

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