How Do I Adjust the Sensitivity of a Honeywell Hardwired Motion Sensor?

You can adjust the sensitivity of a Honeywell Hardwired Motion Sensor by opening up the sensor and configuring its DIP switch settings. Some sensors may also have knobs for adjusting sensitivity. Keep in mind though that not all motion detectors are adjusted in the same manner.

Honeywell dt8035 dual tech motion sensor

A motion sensor with high sensitivity is easier to activate than a motion sensor with low sensitivity. A user might want to increase the sensitivity for a motion sensor to make the premises more secure. Likewise, a user might want to decrease the sensitivity for a motion sensor to prevent false alarms. Finding the proper balance is extremely important with motion sensors.

Most PIR motion sensors have some type of adjustable pulse count that is used to set device sensitivity. Increasing the pulse count will make the device less sensitive, while decreasing the pulse count will make the device less sensitive. The pulse count is usually determined through DIP switch settings. The DIP switch settings will vary between different motion sensors. Please see the instruction manual for your motion sensor for more information.

Dual-tech motion sensors that use both PIR and microwave technology also have a different sensitivity setting for microwave signal range. This usually comes in the form of knob that can be rotated to make the device more or less sensitive. Again, this may vary between different motion sensors. Also keep in mind that some older motion detecting sensors may have no way to adjust sensitive. It's very important to review your device's instruction manual.

In addition to adjusting the sensitivity you might also consider mounting a motion sensor in a different location or changing the detector lens. These are both viable strategies for making adjustments to your motion sensor. It's helpful to experiment and to perform extensive walk tests on your hardwired Honeywell VISTA System to make sure you get it right.

Complete the following steps to adjust your motion sensor's sensitivity:

1. Open the sensor. Open your hardwired motion sensor to access its board. You may need a screwdriver to do this.

2. Adjust the sensitivity. Follow the necessary steps to adjust your device's sensitivity. For PIR pulse count, you will usually adjust DIP switches. For microwave signal range, you will usually turn a knob. Keep in mind that the method for adjusting sensitivity on one motion might be completely different from another motion. It's crucial that you look at the device's instruction manual so that you know what you're doing.

3. Close the motion sensor. Close your motion sensor to protect the board and other internal components.

4. Test the motion sensor. Perform a walk test to test the motion sensor with its new sensitivity settings. The command for performing a walk test is [Master Code] + [5] + [0]. You may also want to let your central monitoring station know that you are testing to prevent false alarms.

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