How Do I Change the Installer Code on a 2GIG Go!Control GC2?

You can change the Installer Code on a 2GIG Go!Control GC2 by entering the Installer Tool box using the existing Installer Code, and then editing Q43. You will be able to enter a new 4-digit Installer Code for the system. The code you enter must be different from any existing system code.

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It is recommended that you keep the Installer Code for a 2GIG GC2 System at its default of 1561. This will prevent you from being locked out of programming later on. If you forget that code, then you can always look it up later. But if you forget a code that you manually changed, then you would need to perform a hard reset of the GC2. It's much easier to just keep the code at the default so that you can always get back in.

Remember, you cannot disarm with the Installer Code unless it was the code used to arm originally. This means that keeping the Installer Code at its default does not present any security risk. Just remember to always arm your GC2 System using your Master Code, not your Installer Code. And make sure to change the system Master Code to something that you can remember, but others cannot easily guess or figure out.

Complete the following steps to change the Installer Code on a 2GIG GC2 System:

1. Enter Installer Toolbox. Start from the main screen of the 2GIG Go!Control GC2. Click on the 2GIG logo in the bottom-right corner of the screen. Enter the existing Installer Code for the GC2 System. Remember, this is 1561 by default. You will enter the Installer Toolbox upon successful code entry.

2. Access Installer Code settings. Select the option for System Configuration. Then press the Go To button in the center of the keypad. Enter 43. This will take you to Q43 for Installer Code settings. You will be able to change the Installer Code from here.

3. Enter a new code. From the Q43 option, enter a new 4-digit Installer Code. Remember that this code must be different from any other programmed system code. It is strongly recommended that you keep the Installer Code at its default of 1561.

4. Save your changes. Click the End button in the bottom-right corner. You will be taken to a summary screen. Make sure the box for Save Changes is marked. Press the exit button in the bottom-right corner. The GC2 System will reboot to apply the changes. When the system boots back up, the Installer Code will be changed.

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