How Do I Clear A Duress On A 2Gig Go!Control?

To clear a duress on a 2Gig Go!Control alarm panel, enter the four digit duress code and when prompted push the button.

If the duress code is unknown, it can be found in User Management.

To retrieve the duress code, press Security, then Menu, then Toolbox. Enter the four digit master code (2Gig's factory default master code is 1111).

Press the User Management icon. The duress code should always be user #8.

Press back when finished.

To set up a duress code, the same instructions will apply, using User Management. The duress code should always be listed as user #8 and should be different from any other user code. Keep the duress code to something that is easy to remember under stress.

When the duress code is used, it will arm/disarm the control panel like any other code but will send a duress signal to the monitoring station. When a duress signal is received by the monitoring station, operators will immediately contact authorities without trying to contact the user first.

Users should also make sure the know their standard passcode and the duress passcode. Duress passcodes should only be used in emergency situations. Once a duress code is used, central monitoring station operators will dispatch authorities.

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