How Do I Connect a Honeywell L5100 To Phone Monitoring?
To connect the Honeywell Lynx Touch L5100 to a phone line for monitoring, a L5000-RJ31X receptacle would be required and would need to be installed. Separate the front case from the back case of the Lynx L5100 by depressing the two (2) locking tabs on the top of the Lynx L5100 with the blade of a screwdriver. Using a box cutter or knife, cut out the plastic tab for the receptacle knockout on the left side of the Honeywell Lynx L5100 panel. Connect the gray wire between the L5000-RJ31X terminal strip labeled HS Ring,and the premises telephone. Connect the brown wire between the L5000-RJ31X terminal strip labeled HS Tip and the premises telephone. Connect the red wire between the L5000-RJ31X terminal strip labeled Ring and the incoming phone line. Connect the green wire between the L5000-R31X terminal strip labeled Tip and the incoming phone line. Install the L5000-RJ31X receptacle into the slot on the back case of the Lynx Touch L5100. Connect one end of the L5000-RJ31X cable to the 8 position jack on the Lynx Touch L5100 board. Plugging the direct connect cord directly into the L5000-RJ31X allows the L5100 panel to seize the phone line when an alarm occurs and normal phone line usage and normal phone line usage by the premises phones if the pluf needs to be removed. Route the cable through the opening of the receptacle knockout on the left side and run along the wire channel in the back case. Connect the other end of the cable into the side of the L5000-RJ31X receptacle. Secure the wire using the tie wraps provided with the L5000-RJ31X to the built in wire loops located on the front and back case of the Lynx Touch L5100.
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