How Do I Find the MAC and CRC on My Lyric Security System?

To find the MAC and CRC on a Lyric Security System, you will need to enter programming using the Installer Code. In programming, go to Comm Diagnostics, then press the down arrow and select Communication ID Numbers. The MAC and CRC will be shown. Provide this information to the alarm dealer.

When a Lyric Controller is registered, its MAC and CRC are used to connect the system to the proper AlarmNet account. This will tie it to both its Total Connect 2.0 account, as well as the correct monitoring station account if central station monitoring is being used. Without the MAC and CRC, there is no way to create the AlarmNet account, and no remote monitoring of any kind can take place.

Once the alarm dealer has the MAC and MAC CRC for the system, they can create an account with the proper features enabled. This may include Total Connect 2.0, with the ability to control Z-Wave smart home devices remotely and view all TC2 compatible cameras. In addition, central station monitoring can also be enabled. With this feature, even if the owner fails to receive notification of an alarm condition, the monitoring station will be notified and can begin the proper dispatch procedure depending on the signal that was received.

To find the MAC and CRC for the Lyric Security System, follow these steps:

1. Access Communication ID Numbers. From the home screen, press Security > Tools > Installer Code (default is 4112) > Program > Comm Diagnostics > Down Arrow > Communication ID Numbers. This will show the Communication ID Numbers for the system.

2. Note the MAC and CRC. At the top of the screen, the system's MAC and MAC CRC will be displayed. Take note of these numbers, as you will need to provide them to your alarm dealer.

3. Exit Programming. Use the back arrow at the top right of the screen to exit programming and return to the home screen.

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