How Do I Identify a Trouble Sensor on My Honeywell L3000?
You can identify a trouble sensor on your Honeywell L3000 system by checking its LCD display. Any zone that is currently in a troubled condition will have its number displayed on the screen. You can press the * button to cycle through any zones that are in a troubled or faulted condition.
The L3000 screen will display any sensors that are sending a trouble signal. These trouble signals will be displayed as "Check". There are a few different conditions that can cause a wireless sensor to send a trouble signal to the L3000 system. One cause is when the tamper switch on a sensor has been activated. A low battery on a sensor will also result in a trouble signal. The system will also display a check signal for any supervised sensor that hasn't communicated with the system for a 12 hour period. This will let the user known that there is some type of communication issue between the system and the sensor.
With the exception of a low battery, the L3000 alarm system will not display the specific trouble issue that is occurring on the sensor. The system will only display that a sensor is having a trouble issue with its "Check" message accompanied by rapid beeping. It is up to the user or an installer to find out what is going on with the sensor. Most sensor troubles are caused by the tamper switch on the device being activated. Most Honeywell 5800 Series wireless sensors have a tamper switch on the mounting base.
The second-most common issue is when the device has a low battery. Sensor supervision issues can also occur if new obstructions are present between the sensor and the system. Finally, supervision loss may occur if the sensor is old, and its wireless functionality is degrading.
In order to clear a trouble signal on the system, enter a valid user code, and click the “OFF / ESCAPE” key. Perform this command twice. If the trouble condition has been cleared, such as the tamper having been restored, this should clear the display of trouble from the keypad.
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