How Do I install and enroll a 5800PIR-RES to a L5100?

The Honeywell 5800PIR-RES wireless motion detector is the most cost effective and versatile wireless motion that the Honeywell L5200 LYNX Touch alarm system supports. With its high sensitivity and low sensitivity (pet immunity up to 80 pounds) options, this motion detector can handle just about any situation in your home or business. The 5800PIR-RES uses passive IR technology with a 35 foot by 40 foot coverage pattern and a 90 degree field of view.

First and foremost we will need to enroll the unit to the LYNX Touch alarm system. Check out our 5800PIR-RES programming video for the L5100 LYNX Touch. Although this is the predecessor the programming is exactly the same.

As depicted in the video, there is a unique serial number beneath the back plate of the motion detector. You will need to document this number before mounting the unit. Next you will need to enter programming by clicking on 'Tools' and entering your installer code (default = 4112). Then we will click on 'Program' followed by 'Zones.' You can 'Add New' zone or edit an existing zone.

Once in zone programming you will need to enter the serial number by manually typing in the number found inside the sensor beneath barcode after the "A". The motion detector must be set to loop 1 and 'Motion Sensor' as the device type. Lastly, you will need to choose a response type. If the motion faces directly at an entry/exit point the motion should be set to 'Interior with Delay.' If not, then it should be set to 'Interior Follower,' which will trip instantly if an entry/exit zone is not tripped first.

The 5800PIR-RES installation manual is a helpful guide when choosing the position of your motion sensor. The motion is designed to be mounted between 6.5 and 7.5 feet high with normal 8 foot ceilings. Since it has a 90 degree field of view mounting the device in a corner is the most effective installation approach. This way it will catch any motion in the space along the walls and into the opposing corner (up to 35'). Check out our 5800PIR-RES installation video for some great tips. ** Please note - The IR emitter (recessed area) must be positioned on the bottom in order for the motion detection to function properly.

Once the unit is installed by using the included adhesive foam tape or screwing the unit to the wall, it is now time for testing. Follow along with Sterling to initiate the Walk Test mode. The Walk Test will fault each sensor. Then you will need to trip each sensor to clear the fault from the zone list. If you are unable to clear any zones than you will have to verify it was installed and programmed properly.

All in all, the 5800PIR-RES is the perfect device for your DIY installation. It is easy to install and program and covers any open space in your home or business. If you are looking for a new alarm system we offer wireless security system kits that include a 5800PIR-RES in the kit price.

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