How Do I Program A Leviton Dimmer To A Honeywell L5200?

Install the Leviton Dimmer before programming the device to the Honeywell Lynx Touch L5200.

After the dimmer is installed, select the “Automation” icon from the home screen. Select “Tools”, then “Device Management” then “Include Devices”. Once include devices is selected the panel will display “entering inclusion mode”. Once the inclusion mode has been entered, the panel will display “ready to include device”. Press the function button on the Leviton Dimmer. Pressing the function button must be done within one minute of the “ready” mode to activate the switch. If the module has been successfully enrolled, the panel displays “Device Found”, then the device information will be displayed. Once the dimmer has been enrolled, the information will be added to the top of the inclusion list. Once you have finished including devices, press the “Home” key to return to the home screen.

If the zwave device was previously in another zwave network, it may be necessary to perform an “exclude” before a successful “include” can be achieved.

To control zwave devices on the Honeywell Lynx Touch L5200 it must be paired with a L5100zwave module. A user can control up to 3 thermostats, 4 door locks and a total of 40 devices (outlets, switches, lamps and appliances). Users will be able to control zwave directly from the touchscreen on the L5200. To control the alarm and home automation remotely, total Connect 2.0 is required. 

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