How Do I Set Up the Web Server or Remote Access Feature for the Honeywell Home Tuxedo?

You can set up the Web Server or Remote Access Feature for the Honeywell Home Tuxedo by connecting the Tuxedo Keypad to WIFI and creating an account (username & password) at the Tuxedo for remote access. Save any changes, and test for access using the IP Address in the System Info Menu.

The Remote Access Feature allows you to control your Tuxedo Keypad and its associated Honeywell VISTA System through a web browser. In order for the feature to work properly, you must create a login account with a username and password at the Tuxedo. If you do not create an account, or if no account is enabled, then you will encounter an error message when you try to access the Tuxedo through a web browser.

Remember that you can only connect to the Tuxedo remotely when the device is successfully connected with a WIFI network. Please note that you must ensure that Port No. 443 is open on your WIFI router, or else the feature may not work properly. Also, note that only compatible web browsers should be used with the feature. The following web browsers are supported for Tuxedo Remote Access:

  • Google Chrome Version 14+
  • Mozilla FireFox Version 10+
  • Internet Explorer Version 10+
  • Microsoft Edge Version 10+
  • Apple Safari Version 6+
  • Opera Web Browser Version 12.10+
  • Android Webview

Complete the following steps to set up Web Server Remote Access for the Honeywell Home Tuxedo:

1. Connect Tuxedo to WIFI. The Tuxedo must be on a WIFI network for you to connect with it through a web browser. Begin from the main screen of the Tuxedo. Click the Settings Icon (the gear) at the bottom of the screen to access the Setup Menu. Then click System WIFI in the upper-right. A list of available networks should be generated. You can also refresh the list of available networks by hitting the Refresh button in the bottom-right corner. Find the WIFI network you want to use, and click it. Then enter the case-sensitive password for the network, and click connect. The Tuxedo should connect with the WIFI network. It may take a few moments for the keypad to fully connect.

2. Create Remote Access Account: From the System WIFI Menu, press the Return Arrow in the upper-left to return to the Setup Menu. Then choose Account in the bottom-left. You will then need to make a username and password for one of the User IDs. Decide on a User ID (1 thru 5), and click on its User Name field. Enter in a username, and click the green checkmark to continue. Then do the same for the Password field. Please note that the password must be at least eight (8) characters long, with at least one UPPERCASE letter, at least one lowercase letter, and at least one number. After entering a username and password, make sure that the associated User ID is marked as Enabled (blue) on the right-hand side. Click the Checkmark button in the bottom-right corner to save your changes. You should get confirmation that the changes were saved. If your password does not meet the required guidelines, then you will be asked to try again. You can see in our example, we have a username of "test", which is perfectly fine for the job.

3. Obtain the IP Address. From the Account Menu, press the Return Arrow in the upper-left corner to return to the Setup Menu. Then choose System Info in the upper-left. This will take you to a screen where various system information is displayed. On the right-hand side, you should see the IP Address for the Tuxedo. Write this down or take a picture of it. You will need to enter it into a web browser to access the Tuxedo virtual interface.

4. Access Tuxedo virtual interface. Go to a WIFI-connected device that is on the same WIFI network as the Tuxedo. Open up one of the supported web browsers mentioned earlier in this FAQ. Enter the IP Address you obtained in Step 3 into the address bar. You may get a message stating that the webpage is "unsafe" or "insecure". If that happens, then choose the Advanced options, and select the option to proceed anyway. You will reach a login screen. Enter the username and password you created in Step 2. Remember that the password is case-sensitive. You will then access the Tuxedo virtual interface so that you can control the Tuxedo and the connected VISTA Panel from your WIFI-connected device. Different layouts are available for mobile versus a traditional web browser. Press the Switch Theme button to switch to a different layout. You may notice that the standard web browser interface mimics that of an old-style Honeywell Tuxedo Touch Keypad. Remember that this will only work if you successfully created a username and password locally on the Tuxedo. If no User ID is available, then you will get the "Web Access has been deactivated" Warning displayed earlier in this FAQ.

Note: It is possible through port-forwarding to set up a path to connect to the Honeywell Home Tuxedo from offsite. Due to the variations in networking equipment, as well as the varying capabilities of DIY users, Alarm Grid doesn't offer support on this feature beyond whatever documentation the manufacturer may have made available.

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