How do I setup low-temp & freeze detection on a 5808W3?

The Honeywell 5808W3 is a wireless smoke detector when programmed to loop 1. The device is also capable of low temp sensing when programmed with loop 3. The low temp zone should be set to zone type 8, 19, or custom. The Detector will generate a low temperature warning when the smoke detector's ambient temperature falls below 41°F (5°C). The thermistor is sampled every 10 seconds. If the ambient temperature falls below the low temperature threshold, the low temperature trouble will be transmitted with the next supervisory transmission. This means the panel will register the trouble anywhere from 70 to 90 minutes after the device is in the low temp state. It is piggy backing on the supervisory transmissions which are sent every 70 to 90 minutes.

The 5808w3 will remain in the troubled state until the ambient temperature rises above the low temperature trouble reset point, which includes a 4°C hysteresis. In a Low Temp condition the green LED will turn off while the red LED will blink once every 10 seconds if the detector is not in maintenance, low battery, or alarm. During a low temperature condition, the zone mapped to loop 3 will trip.

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Bear in mind also that the low temp signal is piggy backed on the smoke's check-in signal, so it can be up to 90 minutes, from the time the temperature drops below the threshold, before it alerts the alarm panel, but will usually be within about an hour.
You should use Temperature for Device Type and 24 Hr Auxiliary for Response Type. If you set Alarm Report to No, then the alarm won't go through to the central station but you can still get your TC2 alert. You don't need Chime but you should set it to be Supervised.
I am manually setting up my 5808W3 on loop 3, I have entered the Serial Number and set the Loop to 3. Now what do I set the other settings to? Device Type = Temperature? Response Type = ? Alarm Report = ? Chime = ? Supervision = ? If possible I don't want the alarm grid to be notified as it would if the smoke or heat on loop 1 went off. I would prefer to just have it notify me via text through Total Connect.

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