How Do I Use Alarm.Com's Alarm Mode Feature?

Alarm Mode from is a free option available to customers with a security account and the customer app version 5.4.1+. It makes responding to alarm conditions within the app easier than ever. Relevant events are included in the Alarm Mode screen for your review.

To use the Alarm Mode feature, you don't have to request any add-ons from your alarm dealer. You need only have an security account and the latest version of the app on a smart device. Alarm Mode is always enabled. When an alarm condition occurs an Alarm Mode card will appear within the customer app dashboard. From it you can view recently captured video, live video, triggered sensors and lock activity.

With all of the available relevant information regarding the alarm within a single card, you can quickly assess whether this is a false alarm or if a dispatch is warranted. If you have the In-App Cancel/Verify feature enabled, you can cancel, verify, or disarm the system from this screen.

With the In App Cancel/Verify feature enabled, once the alarm signal is sent to the monitoring station you have two (2) minutes to either Cancel or Verify the alarm. Please read the previously linked FAQ for full details on the In-App Cancel/Verify feature. For accounts that do not have the In-App Cancel/Verify feature enabled, users will see a "Disarm to Clear" option immediately. Tapping this button will disarm the system.

On the left an account with's In-App Cancel/Verify feature enabled, shown during the initial two (2) minutes of the alarm. On the right, an account without this feature, or an account where an alarm has gone on for two (2) minutes or more at the time the user accesses this screen:

Using the Alarm Mode Feature:

  1. Alarm occurs. - Alarm Mode is available for any alarm except duress alarms, Silent Police Panel Panics, or In-App Property Panics.
  2. Log into the app. - On your smart device, log into the app as you normally do. This feature is not available from the customer website.
  3. Tap Alarm Mode - The Alarm Mode option will only be available once an alarm occurs on your system. If you have multiple partitions, Alarm Mode will show you which partition or partitions are currently in alarm. It allows you to disarm all partitions to resolve the alarm condition. For business accounts with multiple locations, the Alarm Mode card can be viewed from the individual business's system, not at the Enterprise Group level.
  4. View activity and assess. - What you see will depend on the hardware and features of your system. If you have cameras and/or a video doorbell, you can view both captured clips and live video. You can review which sensors have indicated an alarm and assess whether this is an actual emergency.
  5. Cancel, verify, or disarm. - What you see will depend on whether you have the In-App Cancel/Verify option enabled. If you do:
    • For two (2) minutes after the initial alarm signal is sent to the monitoring station you will have the Cancel Alarm and Verify Alarm buttons available. Two (2) minutes is the average amount of time it takes for a central station operator to receive a signal and act upon it.
    • Tap Cancel Alarm* to send a disarm signal to the panel and a cancel signal to the monitoring station. Depending on your account settings with the central station, this may act as a full cancellation and stop the operator from further processing the alarm. If you're not sure how an alarm cancel signal is handled by your monitoring station, reach out to them or to your alarm dealer.
    • Tap Verify Alarm* if you assess that this is a valid alarm. The alarm will continue to sound and a signal will be sent to the monitoring station letting them know the alarm is verified. They may still reach out to you or to others on your call list to request any additional information that they can relay to the authorities.
    • If you take no action, after two (2) minutes the Cancel/Verify window closes and this will be treated like any normal alarm by the monitoring station. You'll see a Disarm to Clear button. Tapping this will send a disarm command to the system. For users who do not have the In-App Cancel/Verify feature enabled, this button shows up immediately upon an alarm condition.
  6. Alarm Mode disappears. Once the alarm condition has been resolved, the Alarm Mode card disappears and the customer app reverts to the normal dashboard screen.

* Previously, when using the In-App Cancel/Verify alarm feature it was a requirement that you press and hold the Cancel or Verify button for three (3) seconds to activate either option. With the introduction of Alarm Mode, pressing and holding the button is no longer required.

In the images above, you can see the customer's verbal false alarm passcode shown at the bottom of the Alarm Mode screen. Alarm Grid does not yet offer this integration, but this may change in the future. Having access to the verbal passcode pulled straight from the central station automation system ensures that the customer can always provide the correct information during an alarm event.

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