Can I monitor a LYNX Plus alarm on a smart phone?
The Honeywell LYNX Plus or L3000 alarm system does have the potential to be remotely controlled using a smart phone. In order to utilize this feature, you must have a GSMVLP cellular communicator, or a 7847i-L internet communicator. You must also have an AlarmNet internet or cellular service plan along with the optional Total Connect service. AlarmNet is a communications network for Honeywell internet and cellular alarm monitoring communicators, and you can get the AlarmNet and Total Connect through a Honeywell AlarmNet dealer, such as Alarm Grid. Total Connect will allow you to control your LYNX Plus alarm system from your smart phone. You can pull up a virtual keypad and arm the system, disarm the system, or perform any other function, as if you had a keypad with you at all times. Total Connect also allows you to set up text and email notifications for system events from the L3000 LYNX Plus alarm system.
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