How Does A GoControl Communicate With
The 2Gig GoControl panel can communicate with via a gsm cell communicator.
The compatible cell communicators offer several options of network service providers. AT&T, Verizon, Telguard, Rogers (Canada) and Movistar (Mexico).
When an installed device is triggered, it will send a signal to the 2Gig alarm panel, the gsm cell communicator will then transmit the signal to servers. servers will transmit the signal to a central monitoring station and or notify the user via email and or text message.
All the 2Gig cell communicators are modules that snap directly inside the panel. In addition to being able to connect to, cell communicators provide Over The Air firmware updates to the control panel.
To install a gsm cell communicator, make sure the 2Gig GoControl panel is completely powered down, by disconnecting the battery and removing the power supply (transformer) from the outlet. Separate the back case of the 2Gig control panel from the front using a small flathead screwdriver and pressing the tabs found on the top of the panel. Plug the cell module into the GoControl panel. Secure the cell radio module with the included 2 screws and lockwashers. Connect the antenna to the cell module. Use the same screwdriver to open the antenna cover found on the side of the control panel. Place the antenna into the slot and route thru the opening of the panel, then under the clip on top of the speaker. Snap the antenna cover back.Snap the front and back panel case together and re screw the screw.
The 2Gig GoControl must have firmware of 1.9.5 or higher to be compatible with the gsm cell communicator.
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