How many key fobs can be added to the L7000?
There is not an exact number of wireless security key fobs that you can enroll with your Honeywell LYNX Touch L7000 alarm system. The reason why the number of key fobs varies is due to the way you program the key fobs and how many buttons the key fob has. Each button on a key fob uses an RF key zone on the L7000. So if you are using 4 buttons on a key fob with 4 separate functions, you are eating up 4 total RF key zones. The L7000 supports up to 24 RF keys. This means you can enroll 6 4-button key fobs or 12 2-button key fobs. Obviously, there are several other possible scenarios but you get the point.
For example, the Honeywell 5834-4 is a 4 button key fob. It is generally programmed to have four functions (arm away, arm stay, disarm and panic) which each map to the corresponding icon on that button. If you decide to use all 4 buttons you can setup 6 fobs. If you decide on some of the fobs that you do not need the panic you will save that single RF key slot. You cannot map key fobs to normal wireless zones!
All in all, the L7000 is the most robust of the LYNX Touch family when it comes to supporting RF security zones at 80 and RF keys at 24. In contrast, the L5200 LYNX Touch supports 64 RF security zones and 16 RF keys. Key fobs are a great tool that make arming and disarming as simple as a click of a button. Great storage locations for a key fob are your center console in your car and a bedside table for night time panic situations. We offer varying security kits with both the L5200 and L7000 panels that each come with a 5834-4 key fob. A kit is a great way to build a new, wireless alarm system!
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