How Many Key Fobs Can I Add To A Lyric Security System?
The Honeywell Lyric security system supports up to 8, four-button keyfobs, 16, two-button keyfobs or single button medical pendants. The Lyric Controller has 32 dedicated keyfob zones (zone numbers 131 - 162) and is compatible with both the SiXFOB and the Honeywell 5800 series keyfobs. Each programmed button on a keyfob uses one zone.
Keyfobs are a convenient way to arm and disarm the alarm system.
Some users might choose to install the panel in a location other than next to the exit door, so using the keyfob is ideal.
One of the keyfobs buttons can be programmed as a panic button. A panic signal is different than a duress signal. If monitored by a central station, trained operators will call to verify that the panic signal was not a false alarm. If this is a real emergency, providing the duress password would inform the dispatcher of an emergency and they will dispatch police.
Keyfobs (both the SiXFOB and 5800 series) are unsupervised. They will transmit all the same signals that a supervised sensor sends except the controller does not check in for a signal. Since the keyfob is not supervised it may be carried off the property. Using it as a keychain provides easy access.
High Security keyfobs need to be activated in the Go No Go test mode. Each keyfob button has a predesignated loop number which will automatically be programmed.
The Lyric Controller Security System provides a total of 48 user codes. 44 standard codes, 1 installer, 1 master, 1 guest and 1 duress. Providing a user with a keyfob eliminates the need to remember a code.
Please follow the keyfobs instruction guide and the Lyric Controller’s programming guide when adding a SiXFOB or 5800 series keyfob.
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