How to Add User Codes on a LYNX L3000 Panel?
You can add user codes on a LYNX L3000 Panel by using the system's Master Code. The system supports up to 8 different user codes. Each code is assigned a different number to help identify it. Any standard user code on a LYNX L3000 System will be assigned a certain value between 03 and 06.
On a LYNX L3000 System, Code 01 is used as the Installer Code, and Code 02 is used as the Master Code. The codes that are numbered 03 through 06 are used as the standard user codes. The code assigned to slot 07 is used as the Guest Code (also known as the "Babysitter" Code). The code assigned to slot 08 is used as the duress code. Each code consists of 4 digits. Also, each code must be different from any other code assigned with the system.
A user may want to assign new codes to slots 03-06 to use new user codes with the system. This is done by entering the following command:
[Master Code] + [8] + [User Number 03 - 06] + [Desired Code]
Complete the following steps to assign a new user code to the L3000 System:
1. Prepare the system. Get the system ready for an incoming command. This is done by entering [Master Code] + [8].
2. Choose a user number. Tell the L3000 System which user number you wish to add/edit. Since a standard user code is being added, a number from 03 - 06 must be entered. Enter in [User Number 03 - 06].
3. Assign a code. Now that the user number has been identified, a desired code must be entered. The code can be any combination of four digits. Each 4-digit code must be unique on the system. Enter in the [Desired Code].
Additionally, it is also possible to change the Master Code by using the Installer Code for the L3000 System. This is useful in case the Master Code was forgotten for whatever reason. This is done by entering in the following command:
[Installer Code] + [8] + [02] + [New Master Code]
Remember, the command [02] identifies that the code being programmed is the Master Code. Of course, the Master Code can also be changed using the existing Master Code instead of the Installer Code.
If a user ever needs to delete a code from the panel, they can do so by entering in the following command:
[Master Code] + [8] + [User Number 03 - 08]
Wait about three seconds, the keypad will generate a single confirmation beep, which lets you know the code has been deleted. Remember, the Installer Code and the Master Code cannot be deleted from the panel.
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- Joe Gonnella