Is a Honeywell 5818MNL compatible with an L5200?
The Honeywell 5818MNL wireless mini door/window sensor is compatible with the the Honeywell LYNX Touch L5200 security system. The 5818MNL is a recessed sensor which requires that you drill into the door or window jamb and door or window itself. There is an included magnet that needs to align with the sensor portion of the device when the zone is closed. The 5818MNL is a great option for doors that have casing or off-set jambs. These situations prevent the ability to utilize a surface mount solution like the wafer-thin 5811 wireless door sensor. A recessed sensor is a great way to hide your security devices both for aesthetic and security reasons.
You will need to drill out a 3/4 inch diameter hole about 3 inches deep for the sensor into the door jamb. The magnet requires a 3/8 inch hole and only 1/2 inch in depth. This unit is powered by a single included AAA lithium battery which surprisingly lasts approximately 10 years!
The 5818MNL is also a great wireless option with metal doors. The metal will interfere with normal surface mount sensors. Check out our FAQ: Can Honeywell's wireless sensors be used on metal doors and frames? You will see that in tandem with a steel door contact's magnet the 5818MNL is a versatile and reliable security sensor.
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