Is the Honeywell L5100 Flash Upgradeable?

The Honeywell L5100 LYNX Touch wireless alarm control panel does not support flash or firmware upgrades similar to its discontinued predecessor the Honeywell L5000 LYNX Touch. On the other hand, the Honeywell L5210 and L7000 LYNX Touch models are flash upgradeable! They also offer more protection zones, user codes, and allow Alarmnet IP camera viewing on the graphic touchscreen.

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You are probably using the Installer Code instead of the Master Code. Try More > Tools > 1234 > Keypad.
Hey sterling, I'm haveing a problem getting my iPhone to find my l5100. Also my l5100 does not have the keypad touch button ? Any idea?
The only way to connect the L5100 to a router with a hardwired connection is to add the ILP5 module - However, keep in mind that you can't use the ILP5 and the GSMVLP5-4G cellular module so if you want to have cellular as a backup path, you need to use the WIFI module not the ILP5.
Hi Sterling, Is it possible to hardwire Lynx 5100 directly to a lan router avoiding the usage of wifi module?
To be honest, this FAQ was posted a long time ago and I'm not sure it's correct and if it is correct, I don't know what the flash upgrade would even do if it's possible. As for the new panel, the garage door control is really the only upgrade.
Hi Sterling, Thanks for your quick response. But just in case, I want to do flash upgrades. Do you know how can I do it ? For the new garage door feature, what is new in the (all white version). Can you tell me more what I can do in the new box ? If something is good, I might want to replace my existing one.
Hi Joe, unfortunately the garage door control feature of the new LYNX Touch version is not something that can be upgraded with a firmware update. You would need to have the new version of the L5100 (all white, not grey around the touchscreen) if you wanted that feature. Now, with that said, the 5822T is a simple wireless device that trips when horizontal so you can just learn it in and use it to protect your garage door. The garage door control (from the panel or Total Connect) is what the newer panels provide.
Also, where can I download the new firmware, and flash software.
Can you tell me how to do flash upgrade to the latest version. Looks like the new version of SW support the tilt sensor 5822T that was release on Aug

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