Frequently Asked Questions

How Many Partitions Can I Have On A Vista 21iP?
Find out how many partitions the Vista 21iP has

How Many Partitions Can I Have On A Vista 10P?
Find out how many partitions the Vista 10P provides

How Do I Change The Battery On A 5811?
Learn how to change the battery on a 5811

Why does my Honeywell 6160 say 'Field?'
Find out why your Honeywell 6160 keypad says 'Field ?' and how make it go away

What Do I Do If My L5100 Keypad Is Too Bright?
Find out what to do if the L5100 keypad is too bright

How Many Partitions Can I Have On A Vista 128BPT?
Find out how many partitions the Vista 128BPT provides

What is a CKT Error on My 6160?
Learn what a CKT error is on a 6160 keypad

Can I be locked out of programing on a VISTA panel?
Find out the program lockout options for the VISTA-15P, VISTA-20P and VISTA-21iP

Am I locked out of programming on my VISTA?
Having difficulty getting into programming? Let's figure out it if you are truly locked out of your panel or not

What's Check 103 Long Range Radio mean on a VISTA-20P?
Find out what a check 103 error means and how to solve the root cause of the trouble message.