Honeywell CELL-ANT3DB Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Add an External Antenna to a VISTA-21iPLTE?
The VISTA-21iPLTE supports compatible plug-in cellular modules. You can add an antenna to these cellular plug-in modules. Learn how to use an antenna with a VISTA-21iPLTE.
Can the Honeywell CELL-ANT3DB Work With LTE Communicators?
The CELL-ANT3DB is compatible with many LTE communicators, such as the LTE-L57A, LTE-L57V, LTE-IA, LTE-IV LTE-XA, LTE-XV, LYRICLTE-A, and LYRICLTE-V. Learn about the CELL-ANT3DB.
Can External Antenna be Installed on an iGSMV4G?
An external antenna can be installed into an iGSMV4G. The communicator's internal antenna must be removed, and a K14207LF adapter will needed for the install.
The VISTA-21iPLTE supports compatible plug-in cellular modules. You can add an antenna to these cellular plug-in modules. Learn how to use an antenna with a VISTA-21iPLTE.
Can the Honeywell CELL-ANT3DB Work With LTE Communicators?
The CELL-ANT3DB is compatible with many LTE communicators, such as the LTE-L57A, LTE-L57V, LTE-IA, LTE-IV LTE-XA, LTE-XV, LYRICLTE-A, and LYRICLTE-V. Learn about the CELL-ANT3DB.
Can External Antenna be Installed on an iGSMV4G?
An external antenna can be installed into an iGSMV4G. The communicator's internal antenna must be removed, and a K14207LF adapter will needed for the install.