What Do I Do If My Honeywell LYNX Touch Is Having Software Issues?
If your Honeywell LYNX Touch is having software issues, then you can most likely fix the problem by rebooting the system, upgrading the latest firmware, or performing a factory default. The L5200, L5210, and L7000 Systems can all receive firmware updates using a LYNXTOUCH-MSD Updater Tool.
Knowing what to do if your Honeywell LYNX Touch System experiences software issues can save you a lot of time and frustration. Many problems can be fixed by simply powering down the system and then powering it back on. This hard reboot can be performed by opening up the panel (you will need a firm object to push in the tabs) and disconnecting its backup battery and also unplugging the plug-in transformer from the wall outlet. Once the panel receiving neither battery power nor transformer power, it will shut down entirely. Then power it back on by plugging in the transformer before connecting the backup battery. This may fix your issue.
If there is indeed a problem with your system's software, then a software update might provide the best solution. The only way to update a LYNX Touch is to use the updater tool It was previously possible to push an update down from AlarmNet360, but Resideo removed that possibility. Please be aware that if you update a Honeywell L5200 in this manner, then AlarmNet will view the system as an L5210 System and list it accordingly. If you have an L5200 that is now appearing as an L5210 after completing the update, then that is the reason why. We recommend keeping your LYNX Touch on the latest firmware version and updating the firmware whenever a new version becomes available.
Remember that the L5100 and L5000 Systems cannot be updated. They cannot be used with the updater tool, and they cannot connect with Total Connect 2.0 to have any sort of update pushed down. These panels will typically need to be replaced with a new panel, such as a Honeywell Lyric Controller or a 345 MHz Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus for monitoring service. There are some cases where an L5100 System can be set up for IP communication with an older L5100-WIFI Module, but usually replacing the panel entirely is the best option for those older LYNX Touch Systems.
One final solution that you might try when dealing with software issues on a LYNX Touch System is performing a factory default for the system. Only use that option as a last resort, as you will need to re-program the entire system after performing a default. This will include re-adding any sensors and re-configuring any user codes that had been previously set up with the system.
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