What Do the Buttons Mean on a Honeywell Alarm Key Fob?
Each button has a specific meaning on a Honeywell Alarm Key Fob. If the device is programmed with the recommended settings, then the pictures will help the user identify each button's purpose. However, each key fob button input can technically be programmed however the user would like.
Most Honeywell Key Fobs have four buttons arranged in a similar pattern. The upper-left button (A) is a closed lock. This button is normally used for Arming Away. The upper-right button (B) is an open lock. This button is normally used for disarming. The lower-left button (C) is a person standing inside a house. This button is normally used for Arming Stay. The lower-right button (D) is a red star. This button is not set to anything by default, but it is commonly programmed to trigger a panic or an automation.
Even though these are the recommended functions, a user can technically set a key fob input to perform any command of their choosing. Commands for arming, disarming and triggering alarms are found normally within key fob zones. If a user wants an input to perform an automation, such as activating a smart scene, then they should set the input to "No Response". This will have the panel still recognize that the key fob zone was faulted, but it will not take any action. The user can then set an automation to take effect whenever that zone is faulted. This is done from the Automations Menu.
Additionally, many four button key fobs can actually be used for additional commands through dual-button presses. A dual-button press means pressing and holding two buttons on the device at the same time. These inputs will also need to be programmed with the system, just like any single-button press. Both the Honeywell 5834-4 and the Honeywell SiXFOB can support four dual-button inputs. This gives both of these key fobs a maximum of eight configurable inputs.
While it is normally recommended that a key fob is enrolled using one of the system's key fob zones, it is also possible to enroll a key fob input as a standard wireless zone. This can be useful if a user ever runs out of key fob zones. Each input will require its own wireless zone when doing this.
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