What Do the Buttons on the 5834-4 Key Fob Mean?
The buttons on the 5834-4 mean arming away, arming stay, disarming and triggering a panic. However, these are only the default functions. Each input can be programmed to perform nearly any action. The key fob also supports four dual-button inputs, for a total of eight programmable inputs.
Each 5834-4 input that is programmed with an alarm system will require its own wireless zone. This means that a single 5834-4 key fob can use up to eight different zones on a security system. But if the user doesn't need to device to perform eight functions, then they can set it up for fewer zones. Many alarm systems set aside special "key fob" zones that are reserved for key fob functions. If a user exceeds these key fob zones, they can usually program the 5834-4 inputs to regular system zones as well. Since the 5834-4 is a Honeywell 5800 Series device that operates at 345 MHz, it works with most Honeywell Systems.
The four buttons on a 5834-4 each have their own default function. The picture on each button helps the user identify the default function. The buttons can be identified by the following descriptions:
- The upper-left button (A) has a picture of a closed lock. This button is primarily used for arming away. This means that the system will be armed, and both interior and perimeter sensors will be active.
- The upper-right button (B) has a picture of an opened lock. This button is primarily used for disarming. This means that the system will be disarmed, and only 24-hour zones will be able to cause an alarm.
- The lower-left button (C) has a picture of a person inside of a house. This button is primarily used for arming stay. This means that the system will be armed, but only perimeter sensors will be active. The user will be able to move throughout the building without setting off an alarm.
- The lower-right button (D) has a picture of a red star. This button is primarily used for triggering an immediate panic. This will cause an alarm on the system. This button should only be used in emergency situations.
Additionally, the 5834-4 can support four dual-button presses. These dual-button presses are A&B, A&C, B&D, C&D. Remember, any single-button or dual-button input can be programmed for any system function. The single-button inputs mentioned above are only the default functions based on the button symbols. However, any programmed function will require its own zone on the system.
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