What Does the Yellow Triangle Mean on My Alarm System?
The yellow triangle means that your alarm system is experiencing a trouble condition. This could be caused by a number of different possible factors, such as a low battery, an activated tamper or communication problems. Only certain alarm systems use a yellow triangle to indicate a trouble.
The system should display the exact cause of the trouble condition so that the user knows what is wrong. Some systems may also beep periodically to make sure that the user is aware of the problem. The only way to clear a trouble is to fix the problem and then provide the Master Code for the system. Unless this action is taken, the trouble condition and yellow triangle will continue to be displayed. Some systems that use a yellow triangle to indicate a trouble condition include the Honeywell LYNX Touch Systems (such as the L5210 and L7000) and the DSC Impassa.
In certain situations, it might not be convenient to fix the trouble condition right away. For example, a user might have a system with a low battery and they don't have a new one on hand to replace it. Fortunately, many trouble conditions will not prevent the user from arming and disarming as normal. But the user will still likely have to acknowledge the problem using their Master Code in order to perform basic panel functions. Doing this is fine temporarily until the user is able to properly fix the problem. But we do recommend clearing a trouble condition as soon as possible.
Trouble conditions involving sensors are typically caused by a loose tamper cover or a low sensor battery. If the trouble condition involves a sensor, then the user will not be able to arm their system unless they bypass the sensor or clear the condition. If the user chooses to bypass the sensor until they can properly fix the problem, they will need to bypass the sensor every time they go to arm the system.
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