What Is the Best Security System for an Apartment?
Alarm Systems aren't just for homeowners. Anyone who rents or leases an apartment will want to protect their belongings and feel safe at home, just like any homeowner. For users who live in an apartment, there are a few special considerations to keep in mind when choosing a security system.
For apartment owners, we strongly recommend using a wireless system with wireless sensors. This way, you will be able to easily take your entire security system with you if you decide to move out of the apartment later. Some alarm monitoring companies, like Alarm Grid, will allow you to re-register the system so that you can use it at a new location. Many wireless systems also have compatible desk stands so that you will not have to drill any holes into the wall to mount the system. Additionally, most wireless sensors can be easily mounted with double-sided foam tape. This will allow them to be quickly and easily removed further down the road.
Since apartments are relatively small, you can probably get away with having just a few security sensors. A couple of door and window sensors and a motion sensor may be all you need to achieve a complete security setup. To really get the most out of your system, Z-Wave home automation is a great addition for apartment owners. By using your security system as a Z-Wave controller, you will be able to operate Z-Wave lights and a Z-Wave thermostat in your apartment. And with an interactive service like Total Connect or Alarm.com, you can control your Z-Wave devices from virtually anywhere in the world using a mobile app. This way, you can have your apartment fully ready for you whenever you return home. When it's time to move out, take your Z-Wave devices with you, and reinstall the old, standard devices.
With that in mind, two excellent security systems to use in apartments are the Honeywell Lyric Controller and the Qolsys IQ Panel 2. Both systems are very easy to set up and program, and they come with everything needed to get started right away. Both the Lyric and the IQ Panel 2 also have their own desk stands so that either system can be safely rested on a table or a desk, without having to mount the panel to the wall. The IQ Panel 2 already comes with a basic desk mount, but a desk mount for the Lyric must be purchased separately. Another great aspect of these two systems is that they both come Z-Wave ready.
If you are having a tough time deciding between the Honeywell Lyric Controller and the Qolsys IQ Panel 2, try reading through this handy comparison FAQ so that you can determine the perfect system for your apartment.
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