Where Is The Power Button On The Qolsys IQ Panel 4?
The Qolsys IQ Panel 4's power button is located on the right edge of the panel if you're facing the touchscreen. It should only be used to power the system on. To do so, hold the button down for three (3) seconds and the panel will boot up. Never use the power button to power the panel down.
For the most part, the power button on the Qolsys IQ Panel 4 is never used. When you power the panel on for the first time, simply connecting the power adapter to the panel and an outlet is enough to start the panel's boot process. However, if it does not boot up on its own, hold down the power button until the panel begins to boot up, usually three (3) seconds, then release it.
The IQ Panel 4 is basically a tablet that runs on the Android 9 Operating System. As such, when you need to power the system down for any reason, you should do so through the menu to do so, rather than unplugging the transformer and battery. Failure to power down properly can result in damage to the system. To properly power the system down tap the menu icon (gray bar at the center-top of the screen) > Settings > Advanced Settings > Enter Installer, Dealer, or Master Code (1111, 2222, or 1234 respectively, by default) > Power Down.
Once the panel goes dark, including all LEDs you are free to do whatever you need to. Some reasons to power down the system are to add a daughter card, such as the Zigbee QC000E-840, to replace an old battery with a new one, or just to perform a hard reboot for troubleshooting purposes. When you're ready to power back on, make sure the battery and power cord are both connected, then press and hold the power button down for three (3) seconds.
The power button for the IQ Panel 4 is recessed, and it can be difficult to press. You may need to use your fingernail with a cloth between the nail and the button to prevent damage or find another way to put adequate pressure on the button when powering up.
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