Which Cameras are Compatible with the Lyric Security System?

AlarmNet IPCAM cameras are compatible with the Lyric. No other cameras are compatible. These cameras can be viewed locally at the system, and up to 8 live camera streams can be displayed on the screen at once. To remotely view them, they need to be interfaced with a Total Connect 2.0 account.

There are many great IP cameras featured in the lineup of Honeywell AlarmNet IP cameras. The product line includes all of the following IP cameras, in addition to some other cameras that aren't listed:

Honeywell IPCAM-WO

Honeywell IPCAM-WL

Honeywell IPCAM-PT2

Honeywell Lyric C1

This camera lineup includes some older non-HD models that have been available for quite some time. The older cameras, such as the IPCAM-WO and IPCAM-WL, offer a maximum resolution of 640 X 480. This lineup also features some newer HD camera models that possess many outstanding features, such as 2-way voice, that were not available on the older units.

The older AlarmNet IP camera models can only be viewed remotely with a Total Connect 2.0 account and the Total Connect app. Without linking these older cameras to a Total Connect 2.0 account, they can only be viewed locally on the Lyric's touchscreen, or with the My Home Controller app. When using the My Home Controller app to view the video streams, the device running the app must be connected to the same network as the cameras. This makes it nearly impossible to view the streams remotely with the My Home Controller app.

The new Lyric C1 and C2 camera models are also compatible with Total Connect 2.0. Currently, they can not be viewed locally through the Lyric Controller's touchscreen display. However, when used in conjunction with the Total Connect 2.0 service, video clips can be stored in the Total Connect 2.0 cloud server for up to 30 days. Customers can then download clips to their own personal media, where they can be saved indefinitely.

The video below gives an overview of the older IPCAM camera line.

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This was uploaded a couple years ago. Are you looking for specific install videos for certain cameras? If so feel free to email us at support@alarmgrid.com and we can provide them for you.
Outdated. Video plays but never sends you to each install video(s).
They have not mentioned anything about adding HomeKit support for their TC2 cameras.
That's good news. Are they dropping any clues about making this also Homekit compatible?
They are saying that they still plan to eventually release the ability to view the C1, C2 and OC1 cameras on a Lyric system but they aren't providing us an ETA on the functionality. We will reach out with more info once available.
Did Honeywell say any more about this at ISC?
We've heard no word on when/if this will be an option. Once we are aware we will be posting updates.
Any idea when the the Lyric C1/C2 cameras will be able to be viewed locally through the Lyric panel?

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