Which Systems Do the Honeywell Wireless Smokes Tap Into?
The systems that the Honeywell Wireless Smokes can tap into include most Honeywell and 2GIG Systems. However, other systems that accept the 345 MHz wireless frequency may also be able to support Honeywell Wireless Smokes. One example is the IQ Panel 2 Plus with legacy 345 MHz daughtercard.
Most Honeywell Wireless Smoke Detectors fit into one of two categories. They are usually part of either the Honeywell 5800 Series or the Honeywell SiX Series. The Honeywell 5800 Series Smokes are what people usually think of when they imagine Honeywell Wireless Smoke Detectors. These devices can be used with nearly any 345 MHz system with very little restriction. But Honeywell Wireless Smoke Detectors can also refer to the SiX Series Smoke Detectors. These devices are actually very strict in terms of compatibility. But we'll get more into that later.
The Honeywell 5800 Series Smoke Detectors are one-way communication sensors that don't use any encryption or added wireless protection. This makes them very flexible in working with many types of alarm control panels. Basically, the system just needs to have a 345 MHz wireless receiver to support these sensors. The smoke detectors in the 5800 Series include the Honeywell 5806W3, the Honeywell 5808W3 and the Honeywell 5800COMBO.
Nearly every wireless all-in-one panel from Honeywell and 2GIG includes this type of module and can readily support Honeywell Wireless Smokes. The same principle applies to a Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus with Legacy Honeywell & 2GIG Daughtercard. Meanwhile, a Honeywell VISTA System can have a 345 MHz wireless receiver added separately. It's also possible to convert the 345 MHz signal into a different wireless frequency using a compatible signal translator like the RE524X. This gives the user the ability to use the 5800 Series Smokes with almost any wireless system.
Unfortunately, this freedom doesn't apply to the Honeywell SiX Series Smokes. This lineup includes the Honeywell SiXSMOKE and the Honeywell SiXCOMBO. These devices communicate at an encrypted 2.4 GHz frequency that only works with the Honeywell Lyric Controller. They will not work with any other system, and there is no translator available to convert their signals. In other words, they are much more restrictive than the Honeywell 5800 Series Smokes. But the advantage to using the SiX Series Smokes with the Lyric is that they can be easily enrolled through SiX Programming, and they utilize 128-bit AES encryption for added security.
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