Will a Lyric security system work w/ a Tuxedo Touch?
Will Lyric work with Tuxedo Touch?
No, Lyric is not compatible with the Honeywell Tuxedo.
What is the Tuxedo Touch?
The Tuxedo Touch is a touchscreen keypad with a WIFI and Z-Wave module built in. It is compatible with most modern wired Vista systems. The Tuxedo has a built in web server that lets a user connect and operate the unit over the local WIFI through their smart devices. A user can also control their Z-Wave devices remotely with the use of Total Connect 2.0. The Tuxedo Touch is not a panel communicator and can not be used to send alarm signals to central station. Scenes and Rules for Z-Wave home automation devices can be programmed and run locally at the unit. With the use of Total Connect 2.0, users can program and run Scenes and Rules remotely. Additionally, Honeywell IPCAMs on the same network, can be viewed live through the device.
What is Lyric?
The Lyric controller is Honeywell’s newest all-in-one wireless alarm system. The panel has a built in WIFI and Z-Wave module. The WIFI module is able to support all of Lyrics communication, from alarm signals to remote access. Lyric can also communicate over a cellular network with the installation of the Verizon or AT&T cellular module. Cellular and WIFI can be used independently, as the sole form of communication, or together in a Dual Path setup. This allows the system to switch to an active communication path in the event that one goes down. An example of this would be if the WIFI at the location turned off, the system would automatically switch to cellular to communicate. Lyric is able to interface with home automation devices with its built in Z-Wave controller. End users are able to interact with their Z-Wave devices, program Scenes and Rules and run them locally. With the use of Total Connect 2.0 users can remotely program Scenes. Currently, there is only one auxiliary keypad that’s compatible with Lyric, the LKP-500. This is a brand new wireless keypad Honeywell has specifically made for use with Lyric. This keypad cannot interface with any other system.
Why can’t the two be used together?
So in summary, the Tuxedo Touch is a keypad and Lyric is a full fledged system. The Tuxedo allows an end user to upgrade their wired Vista panel by adding a Z-Wave controller and robust touchscreen keypad. Lyric is an all in one wireless system that shares many of the features of the Tuxedo. The only keypad that can be used with Lyric is the LKP-500 and Lyric cannot be used as an addition to any other system.
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