Does arm stay mode disable motion detectors?

Yes, it does!

Stay mode is an arming setting that activates all of your perimeter zones, but not the interior zones such as motion detectors. This setting should be used when you wish to arm your Honeywell alarm system and still be able to move around your property without setting off any motion detectors. When your alarm control panel is armed in stay mode, the motion detectors will not be active. If you armed the system in away mode, all of the sensors including the motion detectors would be active, and you will set off the alarm if you move around inside the property.

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Hello Cheri, Most, if not all alarm panels have a feature Called Auto Stay. This is a feature when you arm in the away mode and no entry/ exit sensors/zones are triggered and the system recognizes that no one left through one of those type of zones, this triggers logic in the system switching te panel to a Stay/Home arming state which is designed to then disable all motions inside the home to prevent False alarms if no one left.
I arm it for "AWAY" but once it's armed it says "STAY". And the motion detection does not work.
Glass break sensors are usually programmed as perimeter zones, so when you arm stay, these zones are protected. If the Glass break is too sensitive, it may be activated by noises other than glass breaking, such as dropping several pieces of silverware on a hard floor, or dropping a ring of keys. The only way to be sure glass break sensors are properly adjusted is to use the appropriate glass break simulator designed for your particular type of glass break sensor. As a rule, you want to test all 4 corners, and the center of the glass using the method outlined in the glass break detectors installation instructions (and this also depends on the size of the glass being protected, if it's a very small area, you may just test the center) if these areas pass the test as outlined in the Installation Guide, without causing "alarm" condition for ambient noise, then you should be good.
I have a Glass break sensor and sometimes (not always, that is what's odd to me) it makes the alarm go off just by arming in stay mode...and that is instantly. What could be the problem?
That would be your problem. Change it to Interior Follower, unless an entry/exit zone opening would trigger the motion. If that is the case, set it to Interior w/Delay.
I have it programmed to ZT 03 Perimeter
What Zone Type do you have the motions programmed to?
Why my Honeywell vista-20p system armed stay or night stay, the motion detector setting off the alarm system ?
We would need some more information about the system to help you out Emily. However, most systems have a beige metal cabinet that houses a green circuit board. If you can locate that cabinet, open it and disconnect a lead to the battery. Then, unplug the wall transformer that powers the system (it is normally screwed into the outlet wall plate). That will fully power down the system so that it won't beep or go into alarm.
We moved into our house a year ago and have never activated our Honeywell security system. Lately, a really loud alarm has been going off randomly in the middle of the night and we have no idea how to turn it off because there was no manual left when we bought the house. Maybe it's just a question of turning the sensors off, but nothing works on the panel. Anybody have any ideas?

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