Go!Control Phone (POTS) Module

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Traditionally, alarm systems have built-in phone dialers. The 2GIG Go!Control panel requires the 2GIG GC-POTS module in order to connect ...

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Traditionally, alarm systems have built-in phone dialers. The 2GIG Go!Control panel requires the 2GIG GC-POTS module in order to connect a standard POTS, analog phone line. Similar to any other alarm system, phone dialers do not support VOIP phone lines. They use a digital infrastructure that breaks down the language of the alarm transmissions. In some cases, digital phone lines from a modem such as Comcast or Cox will work, but it is not reliable due to the digitization of the phone signals. If you do not have a standard POTS (i.e. tip and ring) connection, we recommend looking toward a cellular communication option.

The 2GIG Go!Control panel supports a wide range of cellular options. You can choose between AT&T, Verizon, Movistar and Rogers cellular networks! Check out our cellular communicators page.

Brand: 2GIG

2GIG GC-POTS Compatible Products

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* Based on a 10% APR with 12 months financing. APR's will vary between 10% - 30% based on credit score and various factors.