How Do I Connect My 2Gig GoControl to Monitoring?
Just sign up with a 2GIG alarm dealer! We offer no contract plans with competitive pricing and free tech support. First, make sure that you have the proper hardware for monitoring. The 2GIG GoControl is a self-contained wireless alarm system which supports phone line, Internet and cellular communications. These three forms of communications can be used individually or in tandem to transmit alarm signals from the GoControl to a Central Station and/or a third party server for interactive services (i.e., Telguard).
Each communication path requires a communication module that must first be installed into the GoControl panel. If you are using a phone line you can only setup central station monitoring (no interactive services) and it must be an analog POTS line. This will require the 2GIG GC-POTS module. The most popular and reliable comm path is cellular. This is the only way to communicate signals without relying on a physical wire that can be cut and/or local AC power. In other words, cellular communicators cannot be compromised by cutting a feed to the premise or killing AC power.
For this reason, services like require a cellular communicator in order to enroll. You have choices, and it is important to make the right one. Unlike Honeywell Alarmnet communicators that rely solely on the AT&T cellular network, 2GIG has created a module for the CDMA-based Verizon network in additio to their AT&T communicator. There is a great app called, " Mobile Tech" that recommends which communicator is best for your system based on the address and signal strength. The GC3GA-A supports AT&T while the GCCDMV-A uses the Verizon network. For Canadians, 2GIG offers the GC3GR-A which uses the Rogers network. Unlike Alarmnet, does not offer an IP-only monitoring setup. This may change, but as of now they require the cellular communicator in order to enroll in their robust interactive services. However for those interested in a dual path setup with internet and cellular, here is the deal:
The internet module is the Go!Bridge which does not insert into the GoControl like all the other communicators. The Go!Bridge sits beside your router and requires an ethernet patch cable between the two. In order for the GoControl panel to transmit signals to the GoBridge it needs the 2GIG XCVR2 900MHz transceiver. This device replaces the existing 345MHz receiver and allows the panel to communicate wirelessly with the GoBridge. Then the GoBridge sends the signals out via the broadband internet connection.
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