Firmware Update Cable for Go!Control

The 2GIG UPCBL2 is a high-speed firmware update cable for the 2GIG Go!Control alarm system. This cable offers a physical connection between the panel's upgrade port and a Windows computer. Once you have the proper firmware file available on the computer, you will be able to complete the panel's firmware update. This video walks you through the process.
2GIG does offer firmware updates over the air from Alarm.com. However, executing an update can take several hours due to the amount of data being sent. These updates incur a fee from Alarm.com based on the amount of data being transmitted. Also, in some cases, you may need to update your panel before it can support the cellular module required to get connected to Alarm.com. If you find yourself in that position, this cable is exactly what the doctor ordered. If you don't have a Windows computer available, you may choose to use the 2GIG UPDV Easy Updater Tool instead.
Per 2GIG, only Windows computers can be used to process a firmware update using the 2GIG-UPCBL2. We at Alarm Grid have successfully used a Mac running VMWare with Windows 10 Home running in the virtual machine, though. Also, be sure you pay attention to all notes regarding firmware prerequisites. For example, depending on your current panel version, you may need to install firmware version 1.10.1 before you can proceed to a higher firmware version. Alarm Grid hosts the latest 2GIG GC2 firmware, along with some older versions on our 2GIG Go!Control Firmware Update Page.
The firmware files you download will also include a driver file for the 2GIG UPCBL2. This driver setup file will need to be run on the Windows machine before the rest of the firmware update process begins. This information is outlined in the video linked above. It is recommended that you watch the video from beginning to end, then play it again while you follow along during the firmware update, pausing as necessary. This will give you the best chance for success with little or no frustration.
Once the panel has been updated, if a cellular communicator is added and the panel is connected to Alarm.com, then it will be possible to install future firmware updates over the air (OTA). These OTA updates usually incur a small fee that Alarm Grid passes along to our customers on their next monthly invoice, with no markup.
Brand: 2GIG
2GIG UPCBL2 Compatible Products