UltraTech 1270
Alarm Control Panel Battery Backup 12V 7Ah

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The UltraTech 1270 is a battery backup that can be used in all wired alarm control panels to provide up (48) hours of standby power in the event of a power outage. The 1270 is a 12V 7Ah sealed lead acid battery. It provides more power than the smaller UltraTech 1240 backup battery.
You can use the UltraTech 1270 with a Honeywell residential alarm control panel such as the VISTA-10P, VISTA-15P, VISTA-20P or VISTA-21iP. Depending on how many devices are hooked up to the auxiliary power circuit of the alarm control panel, you may even be able to use the 1270 battery with the higher end commercial alarm control panels such as the VISTA-128BPT or VISTA-250BPT. The Honeywell installation guides for the listed alarm control panels call for a Yuasa model battery backup, but we have found the UltraTech to be a less expensive functional equivalent. The specifications section of the installation instructions for the alarm panel being used will provide information on the battery minimum requirements and limitations.
When wiring the UltraTech 1270 battery backup to your alarm control panel’s circuit board, make sure that all control panel wiring is complete and that AC power is present before connecting the battery leads. The 1270 will fit within your metal alarm cabinet and should sit flat on the bottom ledge. There will be red and black flying leads coming from the Honeywell alarm control panel with a spade connector at the end of each lead. Use the red spade lead to connect to the UT 1270 battery terminal marked in red and use the black spade lead to connect to the black battery terminal. If you ever need to remove battery power to the alarm control panel during troubleshooting or installation, simply remove the positive spade lead from the UltraTech 1270 battery. Make sure to always connect the battery after applying AC power to avoid troublesome low battery signals.
In many cases, the additional current required by the alarm panel's siren is provided by the backup battery. So for this reason, among others, you want to be sure that the battery being used provides sufficient current. Each panel will have a section in the installation instructions that shows you how to perform a proper battery calculation. For the sake of simplicity, if we assume the alarm panel draws one (1) Amp of current while in standby, then a 1270 with seven (7) Amp Hours of current available will power the panel for seven (7) hours. Each device will have both a standby current draw, and an alarm current draw (which will usually be higher) that you can use for performing your calculations. If you calculate based on the alarm current draw for each device, you should have ample current available in the event of a power outage.
Brand: Ultratech