UltraTech 1272F1
Alarm Control Panel Battery Backup 12V 7Ah

The UltraTech 1272F1 12V 7Ah SLA battery provides reliable backup power to any 12 Volt wired alarm system. Depending on the power requirements of the alarm system, it can provide up to (48) hours of standby power. It has a life expectancy of 3 - 5 years before a replacement is necessary.
SLA in this context stands for Sealed Lead Acid. The UltraTech 1272F1 is very similar to the 1272F2. The difference between the two is that the 1272F1 has an F1 style connector, while the 1272F2 has an F2 style connector. The difference between F1 and F2 connectors is in their size. An F1 connector is .187 inch wide with a tapered end. An F2 connector is .250 inch wide, and also has a tapered end.
The UltraTech 1272F1 has the connector size most commonly used with alarm panels, therefore if you are looking for a replacement battery for an alarm system, purchase the 1272F1 unless specifically instructed to purchase the F2 version in your alarm panel's documentation.
Any device associated with an alarm panel that has its own connection to AC power should also have its own backup battery. This will allow the entire system to remain powered on in the event of an AC power loss. Besides wired alarm panels from Honeywell, and DSC, power supplies and some peripherals may also require their own battery. If a smaller capacity battery is needed, the UltraTech 1250F1 12V 4.5 Ah SLA battery may suffice. Both batteries offer 12 Volt DC power, but the larger battery offers more current.
A simple example of a battery calculation is, if a system draws one (1) Amp of current in standby, then a 4.5 Ah battery would keep that panel powered on for 4.5 hours, while the 1272F1 would keep the same panel powered on for 7 hours. Of course, battery calculations are not usually that simple, and users planning an alarm system should do proper battery calculations to determine exactly how much current is needed for their system. Refer to the Installation Guide for the system being used to determine the proper way to calculate and for the standby and alarm current of each device.
If connecting the UltraTech 1272F1 to an alarm system, be sure that all other wiring has been completed first. Most manufacturers will recommend that the AC Transformer be connected to power first, then the battery can be connected. Connect the 1272F1 by connecting the Red panel battery lead to the Positive (+) battery terminal and the Black panel battery lead to the Negative (-) battery terminal. If this is a new system, the Fast-on quick-connect terminals on the panel's battery leads will likely be tight, and it may take some effort to make the proper connection for the first time.
When temporarily powering down a system, it is recommended that the Red or Positive (+) wire be disconnected from the battery. Then the transformer can be disconnected by unplugging it from the wall. Most alarm panel metal enclosures will have room for one (1) UltraTech 1272F1. In some cases, depending on peripherals being used, and the metal enclosure being used, there may be room for two (2). These batteries are HEAVY, so once the system is completely installed, it's a good idea to fix the battery in place in some way, possibly using double-sided tape or velcro. This will help to prevent it from falling out when the door to the metal enclosure is opened.
- Device Type: 12VDC 7 Amp Hour Backup Battery
- Weight: Approx. 5.42 lbs. (2.46kgs.)
- Life Expectancy: Standby: 3 - 5 Years ; Cycle Use (approx.) 100% Depth of Discharge 250 cycles, 50% Depth of Discharge 550 cycles, 30% Depth of Discharge 1200 cycles
- Connector Fast-on F1 (.187")
Brand: Ultratech