Honeywell Lyric System & Garage Door Control
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In this video, Jarrett from Alarm Grid explains how you can use a Honeywell Lyric Alarm System to control a garage door. The setup involve using a Honeywell ...
[AUDIO LOGO] Hey, DIYers. It's Jarrett here from Alarm Grid. Today we're going to be going over how you would set up a garage door controller on the Honeywell Lyric system, or how you would go ahead and control that garage door through the Lyric panel. Now, there's a few ways to be able to do it, but in this video, we're going to be covering how you would use the 5877GDPK kit to be able to control that. Now, the 5877GDPK kit comes with the 5877 relay module itself. And then it comes with a Z-Wave siren. This is actually the Fortrezz SSA-1 Z-Wave siren, and both of these going to work together to be able to control that garage door. Centrally, this is going to be the relay module that communicates to the panel that would send that signal to the-- basically the Lyric will send the signal to this, and then you would be able to open the garage door. And this is basically indicating that the garage door is being opened. It also comes with an LED light right here that would flash a few times to let you know or anybody else that is in that area of the door that the door is being opened. Now, this kit does not come with the 5822T garage door tilt sensor. Now, one thing you want to keep in mind. If you wanted to receive notifications from or within Total Connect 2.0 to let you know that the garage door is being opened or have the garage door be integrated in the panel so that if the garage door is open, it can go ahead and trigger like an entry/exit delay, you're going to need this. This relay module is not going to do anything like that. It's just letting you be able to control that garage door through the Lyric panel. And you'll be able to see the status of the garage door, whether it's open or closed, on the panel itself. However, you're not going to get that notification through Total Connect 2.0 or the central station if that door has been left open for a while, or if you didn't want it to actually like trigger the alarm being that the door is open. If you wanted something like that, you need this. This is a tilt sensor that would be set up on a garage door. And essentially it sits right here, you know if the garage door is closed it would sit like this. And then when it's opened it's going to tilt upwards. Now there's a specific center in here that picks up whether when the device is, whether-- this is sensor in here that picks up whether the door is opened so that it can go ahead and notify the system that that door has been opened. So there's a few ways you can program this center into the Lyric panel. You can set up the response type to be able to do different things when this door is open. So the first one is if you had it set to response type garage, essentially that is going to set the door as an entry/exit zone. But it's going to set the entry delay period for the second one that you have, the second delay entry delay period, not the first one. So there's two entry delay periods that can be set on the system. There's the first one, and there's a second one. The first one is normally the one that you would use for like your normal entry zones, or your entry doors so that it gives you a 30-second delay, 60-second delay, however you want to set that. The second one is for a different-- let's say a back door or something that's normally not opened all the time, but it's a bit far away from the panel. You can set that entry/exit delay or the entry delay time, the delay period, so that it gives you enough time to be able to get to the panel to disarm it in time. Now, when you set the response type to garage, that is going to give this sensor that longer entry delay period that you have set. So it gives you enough time to be able to get out of the car, get to the system, disarm it in time before anything happens. Now, the second method of programming the sensor is by choosing response type garage monitor. Now, this isn't going to set any entry delay period whatsoever. This is basically just going to create a chime on the panel and is going to send a notification to Total Connect to let you know the door has been opened, but nothing is going to happen to the system. It's not going to trigger any alarm, anything. It's basically just giving you a notification. So one thing you want to keep in mind about setting the 5877GDPK up, is you will need the 5822T garage door tilt sensor. Now, I did mention that this kit doesn't exactly come with this tilt sensor. However, you are going to need it if you want to go ahead and receive notifications within Total Connect 2.0. This is going to be very important when you're using Total Connect, because this will give you that open/close notification for that garage door. Essentially, this is a tilt sensor that sits on the garage door. You want to make sure that when you're mounting it, the arrow is facing up. If you have it down, it's going to be constantly faulting. So you want to make sure that this is, again, facing upwards. Now, when it's sitting like this, basically this is how the garage door is when it's closed. It's going to be sitting like this. And when it opens, you're going to go ahead and have it tilt. And that's going to go ahead and fault the panel and let it know that the garage door is open. Now, if you want to go ahead and program the 5822T there are certain zones within the programming that you assign this to. And that's going to be zones 127 through 130. These are specifically made for the tilt sensor. So you want to make sure that you're just adding these within those zones. So if you want to go ahead and do that, what you want to do here is at the main screen if you tap on Security, it's going to bring you to this window here. And you're going to look for Tools. So when you tap on Tools, it's going to bring up this keypad, and you want to enter the installer code. The default is 4112. Go into Program at the top left, and then you're going to look for Zones right here in the middle. And then it's going to bring you to the zones here. So we're going to be scrolling down to go ahead and look for 127. So just going to tap on that down arrow a few times here to see if we can get there. OK. So you have 127, 128, 129, and 130. These are the four specific zones for the 5822T. So we're going to be working on 127. If you already have one of these little bad boys programmed, you want to make sure that you're programming it to the next zone. So if you already have something on 127, then you're going to start at 128, and so on. So for this one, we're going to go into 127. Just tap on it and then press Edit. It's going to bring you to this window. Now, there's two methods of programming the sensor. You can either manually program it or you can auto enroll the sensors so that the panel picks it up automatically, programs the serial number and the loop number for you. In this instance, we're going to go ahead and do the auto enrollment process. So if you tap on Serial Number, it's going to bring up the keypad and we're going to grab our sensor here. So we're just going to fault it a couple times so the panel picks it up. So as you can see, it did auto-enroll the sensor into the panel. You may have to fault it a few times for the panel pick it up, but it should go ahead and pick it up. Normally, you have to fault it three times so that the system can grab that serial number and grab the loop number. Now, as you can see, the loop number is pre-programmed right there for a 5822T. You want to make sure this is number three. Now you have Zone Description it's going to fault to main. We're going to keep it as main, because we're changing the device type to garage door. So essentially, once we program this, it's going to say main garage door. So I'm going to tap on that. We're going to look for garage door. And then you have the response type. So you've garage and garage monitor. Now, garage is essentially like if you want this 5822T to work as like an entry/exit zone, to go ahead and trigger the entry delay period, then you go ahead and set it to that. And then once the garage door opens, you have that delay period. It gives you that time so you can get to the panel and disarm it quick enough so that nothing happens. Now, if you don't want the sensor to do that, and you just want to get notifications on the panel and Total Connect, but you don't want to actually trip any alarm, then you set it to garage monitor. So in this instance, we're going to set it to garage monitor, because I want to show you how it works when the system is armed. So if you tap on that, we get garage monitor. Alarm report. If you had it set up as garage, or the response type is garage, then it's useful. But when you have it set up as garage monitor, remember it's not going to be tripping anything on the system, just giving you a notification. So alarm report doesn't really matter at that moment. But we're going to keep it set to that anyway. So chime, we're going to set it to standard. Supervision, we're going to leave it a supervised. Once all of this is programmed, just press Save. You can see it's programmed right here, main garage door, while, 128, or zone 128, it's just main new, so we have nothing programmed to that. So at this point, just tap on the back arrow. Take you all the way back to the main screen. All right. Now we're going to stick on this screen here. So just to basically show you how the garage door works, or the tilt sensor works. If the garage door is closed, it's going to be sitting like this. Once it's opened, it's going to go ahead and tilt. And you'll see it fault on the panel. So same thing if you go ahead and close it. It's going to not fault anymore, and that error or that fault is going to go away on the system. Now, one cool thing you want to keep in mind about this is even if the garage door is open, because you have it set up in response type garage door monitor, you can still arm the system while that garage door is open. Unlike other sensors where if they're faulted, you can't arm the system, when it's set to garage monitor, I can. So that when you're leaving the house or anything, you can just go ahead and close that garage door without having a worry of the system having any issues. And then also, as I said, when it's in the armed state, when the system is in the armed state, that garage door sensor is not going to trip the alarm. So to show you an example, I'm going to go ahead and go into Armed Away. I'm actually going to fault the sensor here so you can see it is open. So we're going to go into Arm Away mode. Now it's giving us a countdown to go ahead and leave the building. But at the same time, I have it faulted. So we're going to go ahead and just unfault that sensor now. And it's no longer switching between the garage being opened or closed. So now our system is in Armed Away mode, we're going to go ahead and fault the sensor. And all we're going to get is a notification. See? Says, garage door open, 27 main garage. So it's not tripping anything on the system. You could still disarm it i f you want to, but you're not going to get that entry/exit delay or the entry delay period. We're just going to go ahead and disarm the system now. And when you're disarming the system, you always want to use the master code. The default is 1234. All right. So that's it for the 5822T. That's basically how it works and how you go ahead and program it. Now, one very important thing, though that I do want to add to this video though is about the 5877GDPK. It is very important to know that it will not work with a Chamberlain myQ garage door opener. It's not meant for that. The myQ garage door openers already have the integration within Total Connect 2.0, granted it does depend on which monitoring company you're using, if they have that enabled for you. If you're a monitor customer with us, you already have it. But that's basically how the myQ garage door opener works. If you want to use the 5877GDPK, it's meant for garage door openers that accept a momentary short. Basically the 5877 is sending that short to the garage door opener so that it can go ahead and trigger that to open up. Open or close, either one. All right. So if you want to go ahead and program the 5877 into the panel so you can control your garage door. First-- well actually, you're not going to be accessing any of the programming menus that you would normally. You're actually going to be here at the main screen. And on the main screen, you have the Automation button right here at the top middle. So if you tap on that, it's going to take you to this window here. OK. So this menu is going to show you the different Z-Wave devices you have programmed or the automation devices you have programmed. If you had lights, thermostats, locks, this is where you would go ahead and control all of that. Now, you see garage is down here, but we don't have this relay module actually programmed yet, so we're not going to be going into this menu. Actually, what we're going to do is hit the down arrow on the right, and you're going to see Garage Door Setup. So if you tap on that, it's going to take you to this little area right here. And you're going to-- I mean, if you already have something programmed in there, you just go to the second one or the third one. But in this instance, we're going to garage door one. So if we tap on that, you're going to see Assign Device. Just tap on that. And it's going to take you to this window. Now, it's going to ask you for the serial number. Now the serial number you're going to be getting from the 5877 relay module itself, and it's going to be located on the inside. So what we're going to do is just tap on Enter Serial Number. It's going to bring us to this window. Now, what do you want to do is pop this open. So at the bottom of it, you're going to see a little tab right here. You want to grab a flathead screwdriver, even a pair of keys, whichever one is easiest to be able to fit into this little groove. And you're just going to pry that open. Bam, look at that. So we have the relay, little circuit board, right in here. We already have this plugged into the power. Now, the serial number that you're looking for is going to be right underneath this power cable actually. I mean, you have like the standard barrel plug connector, but it's going to be right there on the circuit board directly underneath it. So right now we're looking at 0018730. So we're going to type that in. 0018730. And then you're going to tap on Done, once you've confirmed that you have it input correctly. And then now this has been programmed at this point. So now you're going to move onto the Z-Wave siren. The setup of the Z-Wave siren is even easier. You don't have to pop open anything at all. You're essentially going to click on Include Siren. It's going to put the panel to a learning mode, and you're essentially going to trigger the siren. You going to press the Program button on it. If you look in the back of it, when now it is in program mode, you're going to press this button right here. This says program switch. Essentially, this is just triggering the siren to go ahead and send the signal to the panel so that it can go ahead and learn into it. So if you tap on Include Siren, it's going to go into the inclusion mode and just tap on that button. You don't have to hold down the button or anything. I made the mistake of holding it down. That's why you saw that quick flash of light. Essentially, you just have to tap on the button. If you hold it down, you're just going to get a flashing light. It's not really going to include. Again, just tap on it. So now once you have it included, it's going to bring this up here. It just tells you that you have successfully gone ahead and included that to the panel. So just hit the back arrow at this point. And to know that it has successfully like actually programmed, you're going to see this option right here. Exclude Garage Siren. Before we actually included it, it said just Exclude Siren. It didn't actually say Garage Siren One. So if you wanted to go ahead and remove that siren, you just tap on Exclude Siren, do the same exact process, just tap on that button in the back, and it will go ahead and remove that from the programming. So once you have all of this configured, all you have to do is just tap on the back arrow and you'll see Garage Door One assigned. Tap on the back arrow again. It's going to bring you back to this menu. And just tap on the up arrow, and now we're going to go into Garages. And now you see Garage Door One. So if you go ahead and go into that window, it's going to bring into this little section here. So whenever you press this button, what's going to happen is that the relay is going to open that garage door. It's going to send that signal to it and then it's going to go ahead start opening the garage door. And then once that's happening, the Z-Wave siren is going to activate. You're going to have the light flashing a couple of times, and then you're going to have the siren go ahead and emit a pretty loud sound to notify anybody that is in the general area that that garage door is being opened, so stay clear. So to show you an example, we're going to go ahead and turn this on here. We're going to activate it. Now, this is very loud. So if you're trying to test this out within a closed space, just be prepared. Cover your ears. Wear one of these if you have something. Pair of headphones. It is pretty decently loud. So we're going to go ahead and throw these on. All right. So we are a go. So if you tap on this now. [ALARM SOUNDS] So as you can see, the siren did go ahead and trigger and then you saw the LED light going off for a second there. And if this was set up to a garage door, this would have gone ahead and opened the garage door to be able to take your car out, leave the premise, do what you need to. And then if you want to go ahead and close that garage door, you're just going to tap on that button again on the panel and it's going to do the same exact thing. And this is basically what's going to show. I mean, on the panel you just see Garage Door here. And it's not necessarily indicating that the garage door has been opened, but if you're right there I mean you can clearly see that it's open. But essentially, if you want to go ahead and close it, you just tap on the button again. So here we go. We're going to throw these back on. And we're going to go ahead and tap on that now. [ALARM SOUNDS] So if you had the garage door setup with that relay module, that door would have closed by now. And then obviously you would've been notified with this going off at the same time. And essentially, once you're done with everything, you just hit the back arrow and you're back at the main screen. And that is how you set up a garage door controller on the Honeywell Lyric system by using the 5877GDPK. If you have any further questions about the Honeywell Lyric or alarm system in general, please reach us at or go to our website If you found this video helpful, please like and subscribe. If you want notifications of future videos, please click the bell icon. This is Jarrett with Alarm Grid. You have a great day.
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