MyWebTech Technical Notification #119 - Software Update for ProSeries Panels & Touchscreens - Dated 2/18/25

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Document Transcript

Technical Notification #119
Technical Updates Directly

Technical Notification #119


Pro Series Controls & Wireless Touchscreen Software



February 18, 2025

Dear Valued Customer,
Resideo is pleased to announce release of a new sof
tware update for PRO Series Controls (Version 03.23
and Pro Series Touchscreens (Version 3.424.34) that
improves Wi-Fi connectivity between the 2 products
Production Units
– Resideo is in the process of shipping out produc
tion units with the new software that should
be filtering through our distribution centers in Fe
bruary. To ensure that all inventory receives the
latest software
Resideo has established an upgrade program for new
installs as well as already installed units.
When Installing a New Pro Series Control or a New P
RO Series Touchscreen

Upon installing PRO Series Controls
or Touchscreens the products will check in with Ala
rmNet and sync up with the latest version of softwa
re. It does
not matter which version of PRO Series Controls or
Touchscreens you have. They all can be updated. No
effort is
required by the installer for this update to occur
and it may take a few minutes for the update to be
For units that are already installed –
Resideo will automatically push the new software r
evision to any PRO Series
Control or Touchscreen already installed in a home
or business so there is no action needed to be take
n by a
dealer or installer. The products will go through a
reboot process that will take a few minutes to com
plete the
upgrade in case you get any calls from end-users du
ring this reboot/update process.
NOTE: These units must have the following condition
s to enable the software update:


Wi-Fi connected

Disarmed state

No alarms in memory

No AC Loss

No Reporting in process

Not in Walk test mode or programming mode
For LTE only units (No WiFi) –
You will need to contact tech support to get the up
graded software. For this specific
software update Resideo will only update individual
installations and will not perform batch updates.
Because this
update is intended to improve Wi-Fi connectivity be
tween PRO Series controls and Touchscreens, it is n
required if LTE is your only communication path.
NOTE: Resideo also recommends that you connect the
touchscreen's Wi-Fi directly to the Pro Series con
panels WAP and not to the homeowner's or business's
Thank you in advance for your continued support of
Resideo products. If you have any questions or
require further assistance, please contact your loc
al Sales District Manager or Customer
Service/Technical Support at 1-800-645-7492.

Product Marketing Team
Resideo Technologies, Inc.
