Can a 2GIG Go!Control alarm system be self-monitored?
There are two ways to self-monitor the 2GIG Go!Control wireless security system. The most popular way to monitor the system without a central station is to enroll in the interactive services offered by These services include and are not limited to customizing text and/or email alerts and remote access for control and live status. The system must have a cellular communicator in order to use the service. The interface offers very unique tech services including geofencing for heating and cooling! The text and email alerts are a great way to get instant notifications based on alarms and other important events on your security system. The service also offers push notifications on the app. This is a great feature for anyone with a smartphone or tablet. Some cellphone carriers do not support SMS (especially those outside the United States) so these push notifications are a perfect solution!
The second option for self-monitoring is using the 'Remote Control By Telephone' feature. Details of this feature are listed on page 28 of the Go!Control's User Guide. This approach requires the use of the 2GIG GC-POTS phone line module. This is a communication card that installs into the GoControl panel. The device uses the 2 by 7 pin connector and requires an analog (POTS) phone line. This feature does not support digital phone lines such VOIP services like Magic Jack or OOMA. If you have the phone line connected to the panel and have tested for dial tone you can setup this feature to allow you to do the following: Arm the system, Disarm the system, Bypass sensors and Query system status. There are no alerts setup to notify you in the event of an alarm or trouble. This can only be accomplished by enrolling in the services and/or central station monitoring.
The end user has to call the phone line connected to the panel twice in 60 seconds in order to issue commands. There is no exit delay and the auto-stay feature is disabled automatically. Here is a list of the commands after you are connected to the panel:
Press 1 For System Status Report
Press 2 To Arm the System in Away mode
Press 3 To Arm the System in Stay mode
Press 4 To Disarm the system
Press 5 To turn on Auxiliary Output (if used)
Press 6 To turn off Auxiliary Output (if used)
Press 7 To stop System Status Report
Press 8 To Hang Up
Press 9 To Repeat the Command Menu
Press # To Bypass All Open Sensors and Arm the System
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