Can Alexa Arm and Disarm a Honeywell Alarm System?
Amazon Alexa can Arm a Honeywell Alarm System, but it cannot Disarm. Compatibility with Alexa is made possible through Total Connect 2.0. You must enable the Total Connect 2.0 Skill from the Alexa App and provide your TC2 account info. You must have a monitoring plan with access to TC2.
Many users with Honeywell Security Panels wonder if it is possible to Arm and Disarm through spoken Amazon Alexa voice commands. The answer is that you can Arm, but you cannot Disarm. The Total Connect 2.0 Alexa Skill was intentionally designed this way to prevent security breaches. It would be very easy for an intruder to tell Alexa to Disarm the system if disarming were possible. An intruder could easily shout the command from the outside and then gain free access to the building. Fortunately, Resideo had the foresight to not make this feature possible. Instead, you can only Arm Away and Arm Stay through Alexa.
However, you can still perform several other functions through Amazon Alexa voice commands. This includes the ability to check the current status of your security system. You can also run smart scenes that include your Z-Wave smart home devices. At this time, it is not possible to control individual Z-Wave devices through Alexa voice commands. Instead you are restricted to scenes only. You will need to create a specific scene for any TC2 home automation command that you want to perform through Amazon Alexa.
In order to start using Amazon Alexa with Total Connect 2.0, you will need to enable the Total Connect 2.0 Skill. This is done from the Alexa App. Open the app on your Android or iOS device, and search for the skill. You will then need to provide your Total Connect 2.0 account information to link your account. For more information on the pairing process, we recommend checking this helpful blog post. After successful pairing, you will be able to control perform various security system commands through your Amazon Alexa device.
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