Can I Install A GoControl Myself And Get Monitored?
Yes, the 2Gig GoControl alarm and home management system is very easy to install and program which makes it perfect for the diy'er.
The panel is wireless and self contained. It has a 4 inch x 2 ¼ inch touchscreen keypad, built in siren that has 85db and a Z-Wave radio.
Alarm Grid provides diy'ers free tech support, has many step by step how to videos on YouTube and tons of written content on their website.
The built in Z-Wave radio provides users the option to install Z-Wave devices to control lighting, thermostats, door locks, garage doors and supports up to 232 Z-Wave devices in any combination.
The 2Gig GoControl panel provides several options to communicate for monitoring: landline, gsm cell communicator or dual communication.
Connecting the panel to a landline will connect users to a central station for monitoring.
Connecting via a gsm cell communicator, users can choose between the following network providers: AT&T, Verizon, Telguard, Rogers (Canada) and Movistar (Mexico).
Dual communication is connecting 2 communicators. Example, a landline with a gsm cell communicator as backup or gsm cell communicator as the primary communicator and a Go!Bridge IP internet communicator for backup.Users who choose to connect via gsm cell communicator have the option to have an account. With users can control their alarm system and z-wave devices from any computer or smartphone. Users will receive notifications via email or text message on any real time alarm signal or event.
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