Honeywell AD25624 vs Altronix SMP3
The Honeywell AD25624 and the Altronix SMP3 are both external auxiliary power supplies with an output power of 2.5 amps. The biggest difference between the two is that they are used with different transformers. Also the AD25624 has been discontinued, while the SMP3 is still available.
An auxiliary power supply is used to power additional devices on an alarm system. All alarm systems can only provide a certain amount of power to external devices. If the available system power is exceeded, then an auxiliary power supply will provide additional power that is used to support these devices.
Both the Honeywell AD25624 and the Altronix SMP3 require power from a compatible transformer to operate. Both devices can interface with a backup 12 volt battery that will allow the power supply to function in the event of a power outage.
Even though the Honeywell AD25624 was discontinued by the manufacturer, there are still units being used. As long as the device isn’t damaged, an AD25624 will still work fine as an auxiliary power supply. The AD25624 requires using an XF30 Open Frame Transformer or an 1451-24 Transformer. These transformers are not regular plug-in transformer units, and they need to be wired to a 120 volt power source by a qualified electrician in order to operate. The AD25624 also has a battery output. This output is compatible with 12 volt backup batteries. The output will charge the backup battery while power is on. The AD25624 is compatible with 12 volt gel cell type backup batteries.
The Altronix SMP3 is a versatile power supply. The SMP3 provides 2.5 amps of power at 6VDC, 12VDC or 24VDC. The SMP3 is compatible with the Honeywell 1361-GT plug in transformer. Unlike the transformers for the AD25624, the 1361-GT plugs into a regular 120 volt wall outlet. Just like the AD25624, the SMP3 has a battery output that will charge a connected backup battery while power is up. The SMP3 is compatible with sealed lead acid or gel type batteries.
SMP3 |
AD25624 |
Output Power |
2.5 Amps |
2.5 Amps |
Output Voltage |
6VDC or 12VDC or 24VDC |
12VDC or 24VDC |
Compatible Transformers |
Honeywell 1451-24 |
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