How do I add devices to a Honeywell VISTA-20P?
The Honeywell VISTA-20P is a great security systems for residential and commercial applications. As a member of the Honeywell VISTA Series, the VISTA-20P alarm control panel has many different available upgrades which you can use to customize the exact security system to meet your needs.
If you are looking for a traditional security system using hardwired zones, you can connect your hardwired door and window contacts, motion detectors, and glass break detectors to the (8) hardwired zones that come standard with every VISTA-20P. All open circuit devices should be connected in parallel across the zone loop. For zones with an end-of-line-resistor (EOLR), you should connect the EOLR across the loop wires at the last device on the loop. All closed circuit devices should be connected in series on the high (+) side of the zone loop. When using an EOLR with closed circuit devices, you should connect the EOLR in series following the last device on the loop. While you can connect the EOLR at the zone terminals inside the alarm control panel, your loop wiring will not be supervised.
Addressable devices such as alarm keypads, wireless receivers, AlarmNet alarm monitoring communicators and hardwired zone expansion modules like the Honeywell 4219 should all be connected to the (4) ECP terminals. The ECP terminals are 4-7 on the VISTA-20P alarm control panel and with a fully upgraded security system, you will have numerous wires landed under these terminals. You will need to address all ECP devices after connecting them to the alarm control panel.
Terminals 4 and 5, which are part of the ECP terminals, are also used to provide power to (4) wire devices such as motion detectors and glass break detectors.
Alarm sirens, strobes and bells should be connected to terminals 3 and 4 so that an audible or visual indication of an alarm will be triggered when your VISTA-20P goes into alarm mode.
If you need help connecting your alarm devices to your Honeywell VISTA-20P security system, please call us at 888-818-7728 for free technical support.
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