How do I do a Go/No Go test on a Honeywell VISTA-20P?
The Honeywell VISTA-20P alarm control panel has a Go/No Go test mode that allows you to ensure all wireless devices will have adequate signal strength to reach the wireless receiver. It is recommended to use this test before permanently installing wireless devices. To access the Go/No Go test mode, the system must be ready, any faulted zones need to be bypassed, and the system should not be attempting to communicate. Simply enter your four digit installer code (default is 4112) + [#] + [4]. An alpha keypad such as the 6160 will display "Test in Progress". Performing this test puts the receiver into 1/2 gain, the logic being, that if a transmitter can check in at 1/2 gain, it should have no problem checking in at full gain. Once the system is in Go/No Go test mode, fault each wireless device several times from its intended mounting location. Do not test transmitters with your hand wrapped around the device, as this will lead to inaccurate results. If your alarm keypad beeps three times, and displays the zone number for the transmitter being tested, each time you fault it, this indicates the transmitter's signal is reaching the receiver. If the keypad does not beep, you will need to relocate the transmitter, then try again. Please note that a few inches can make a big difference when testing wireless range. Once testing is completed, enter any valid Code + 1 [Off] to exit Go/No Go test mode.
If you have multiple partitions programmed for your VISTA-20P alarm control panel, you will need to perform the Go/No Go test from each partition using that partition's keypad.
Nominal range for most 5800 series wireless devices is 200 feet, with some devices being slightly more, and others sometimes being slightly less. If you are having difficulty successfully performing the Go/No Go test due to range issues, you can add a 5800RP wireless repeater to increase transmitting range.
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