How Many IQ Key Fob Devices can I add to Qolsys IQ Panel 2?
Up to 128 IQ Fob devices can be added to a Qolsys IQ Panel 2. This is because the IQ Fob is seen as normal wireless sensor for the system. Since the system will support up to 128 wireless zones, 128 IQ Fobs could theoretically be used with the system. But no user will use this many.
The important thing to remember when system planning for the IQ Panel 2 will support up to 128 wireless sensors. This includes key fob devices like the IQ Fob. While it's highly unlikely that any user would use 128 IQ Fob devices with their IQ Panel 2, the devices they do use will cut into the number of other wireless devices they can use with their system. So if a user fails to plan properly, they may find themselves in a situation where they have no more zones available for wireless sensors. Normally, this is only an issue for very large properties. But it is something a user should keep in mind if they plan to use a large number of wireless zones with their system.
The IQ Fob is learned-in with a Qolsys IQ Panel 2 much like any other wireless sensor. To learn-in an IQ Fob device with an IQ Panel 2, complete the following steps:
1. Access sensor settings. Start from the home screen of the IQ Panel 2 with the system disarmed. Press the small grey bar at the top of the screen. Then go to Settings > Advanced Settings > enter the Installer or Dealer Code (1111 and 2222 by respective default) > Installation > Devices > Security Sensors. This will take you into sensor settings.
2. Auto-learn the key fob. Choose Auto-Learn Sensor. This will put the system into its auto-enrollment mode. With the system in this mode, press and hold the lock and unlock button on the key fob. The system will chime to confirm that enrollment was successful, and its serial number will be displayed. Press the OK button on the system.
The settings for the key fob should then be adjusted. The only settings that should be changed are setting the Sensor Type to Keyfob and assigning a name for the key fob. Once the settings have been configured, press "Add New" at the bottom of the screen. The key fob will be enrolled with system so that it can be used for arming and disarming.
3. Exit the menu. Press the picture of the house at the bottom of the screen. This will return the system to the home screen.
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