Is an iGSMV communicator compatible with Total Connect?
The Honeywell dual path alarm monitoring communicator is in fact compatible with AlarmNet's Total Connect 2.0 service. However, you need to have an iGSMV with a software revision of 2.6.42 or higher to be able to use Total Connect 2.0. You will have to use an AlarmNet 7720P programming tool to check the revision of an iGSMV alarm communicator. With the 7720P connected to your iGSMV, press the [SHIFT] key and then the [A] key to display the software revision of your alarm communicator. If your AlarmNet iGSMV has a revision less than 2.6.42, you will have to either purchase a new iGSMV or settle for the original Total Connect service. Fortunately, as the iGSMV is a fairly new AlarmNet device, nearly every dual path alarm communicator already in the field has the required revision for Total Connect 2.0. Every new iGSMV sold will certainly have revision 2.6.42 or higher unless you happen to purchase the dual path alarm monitoring communicator from an unreliable source that may have had the device sitting on his shelf for years.
Of course, with Total Connect 2.0, it is not enough to have the right iGSMV alarm communicator. The Honeywell alarm control panel connected to the iGSMV must also have the required Total Connect 2.0 revision. The Honeywell VISTA-15P and VISTA-20P residential alarm control panels must have a revision of 9.12. You can locate your alarm control panel's revision by looking at a black chip towards the center of the green circuit board located in the beige or grey metal alarm cabinet that houses your VISTA Series security system. The chip is approximately 1" x 1" and has a string of digits printed on it starting with 'WA'. The panel's model number normally follows the 'WA' and then the revision is displayed last. For example a chip displaying WA20P-5.2 would be found on a VISTA-20P alarm control panel with revision 5.2. Of course with a revision of 5.2, that particular VISTA-20P could not utilize Total Connect 2.0 even if the connected iGSMV had a revision of 2.6.42. An iGSMV-TC2 Total Connect 2.0 upgrade kit would be needed to upgrade the VISTA-20P's revision if the original Total Connect service is not enough.
The iGSMV dual path alarm monitoring communicator is not normally used with a VISTA-21iP internet alarm control panel because, if you wanted dual path alarm monitoring, it would be easier and less expensive to just add the VISTA-GSM cellular communicator snap on card to the existing VISTA-21iP. However, if you did want to use an iGSMV with a VISTA-21iP, perhaps because you need to extend the point of cellular reception, the VISTA-21iP must have a revision of 3.13 or higher if Total Connect 2.0 is desired. The iGSMV-TC2 upgrade kit is not compatible with the VISTA-21iP so you would need to purchase a new control panel if you wanted Total Connect 2.0.
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